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Before I start, I should give some disclosure about myself. I have been online for many years. Early on, I wanted to get into tech support, and found a volunteer opportunity that would give me free training. For about two and a half years, I was a "sysop" for an online gaming community, doing both technical support and enforcement of their code of conduct in both the games themselves (mainly one in particular) and in the out-of-game user chat areas. I also frequented their newsgroups, and eventually started several of my own Usenet-style groups run on our private server.


During these years, I saw some of the best and the worst of the online experience. People who would make "sock puppet" accounts to attack others, people who would lie and con and yes, steal from others - and on the other end of the spectrum, people who would gladly give the shirt off their back for people they'd never even met in person. There were always petty arguments, disagreements across the political, religious and even game-related spectrum including flame wars and personal attacks, even among those who considered themselves friends.


During the time I have been coming to these forums, I have seen a lot of truly helpful, polite, and very supportive people. I see people getting joy from the triumphs of others, and sharing tears and pain. I haven't been a member here very long, but everyone jumped right in to console me when I lost my boy. I thought, wow, "parrot people" or "parronts" are really wonderful!


I have since then had experiences in other "parrot groups" that have shown me that this is not the case.

So it is not just a "parrot people" trait - because obviously not all "parronts" are as kind and considerate as those who make up the backbone of this forum. It is just that you have a really special group of goodhearted people here. I am really glad I have found this group and all the wonderful friends here.

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Thank you for your observations. I had never joined a forum and lurked for six months before joining and posting. I still don't belong to any other forum. It really is an extended grey family with leadership and members dedicated to greater understanding of our complicated and exquisite companions. Miss Gilbert is the beneficiary of guidance, insights and outpouring of encouragement. From all this, I am the very grateful beneficiary of the companionship of Miss Gilbert through many of my own life changes. The best part about being in this forum family is that we got to choose this family.

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Thank you Muse for such a kind thread. We, being the admins and mods, work very hard to keep this a respected, caring family with a mission to help, nurture and encourage every member to feel welcome. You can't help but fall in love and feel very attached to every fid and or pet that crosses our path here. We are a very lucky group. We have had our share of flame wars and personal attacks on a few of our mods, members and myself included, but that is in the past and we don't tolerate that at all here.

I am grateful for each and every reply that members post here. We are always learning and fostering friendships!

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I have been a part of two other very kind parrot groups. I think it speaks volumes about not only our members but most of our moderators as well showing support to make these wonderful feathered companions as happy and healthy as possible.


In researching and seeking information about healthy feeding, I joined one group who claimed to be about healthy feeding of parrots. The moderators there were what I can only describe as sanctimonious, intolerant, and rude. While I suspect they truly believe they have their birds' best interests at heart, their methods were unbelievably ill-mannered. And an environment like that stifles exchanges of information from which everyone might learn. I have since found other groups that are polite and helpful, but none compare to this group.

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Thank you Muse for such a kind thread. We, being the admins and mods, work very hard to keep this a respected, caring family with a mission to help, nurture and encourage every member to feel welcome. You can't help but fall in love and feel very attached to every fid and or pet that crosses our path here. We are a very lucky group. We have had our share of flame wars and personal attacks on a few of our mods, members and myself included, but that is in the past and we don't tolerate that at all here.

I am grateful for each and every reply that members post here. We are always learning and fostering friendships!


Having moderated groups myself, I know the kind of time and sacrifice this takes. You folks deserve props for a job well done!

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Yes indeed Muse. This is a very fine group. The people here are very supportive, helpful and as a rule non judgmental. Even when someone trips over their perch and momentarily forgets their manners the rest are still kind and understanding. I can only assume that these are the qualities that do best to successfully allow our Greys and other parrots to be happy and healthy fids and an absolute joy to be with.


Steve n Misty

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This is an incredibly diverse membership. Anyone who wants to share has to respect the differences in culture, sensibilities & life styles. Posters just don't tend to be very receptive while they're busy defending themselves.


Even w/as many good things as GF has going for it, I think the very best is that we don't often lose sight of the fact that it's all about the birds.


... &/or what Steve said! lol

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It's the Greys coming out in us. Otherwise we're all rotten to the core, bad apples I say :)


You missed the last divisive member that was a high up when I got here. Since banned. Shame as he had some real good info to pass along but the way he went about it was pretty abrasive. I'm on a bunch of FB groups and for the most part they are ok too. One of them has a mod-god complex in it's hierarchy but easy enough to ignore.


I come here to look at everyone's Greys - can't get enough of these beautiful creatures.

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Muse... You are a " regular", in my opinion, and already part of our family. I'm not good with " time ".... and think of you as been here and have been part of us like forever. I'm working on my " time" disorder. I was charge the other day, asked a nurse to go do something.... she looked at me confused. She told me she didn't know how to do that, as she has only been here a year. I was shocked! She was an amazing nurse, and I suspect she doesn't get the recognition she deserves. I taught her what she needed to do, then went to management, asked them " what do you know about Kathleen?" As I suspected.... they knew very little. I gave them an earful. Every person, every bird, deserves respect for their accomplishments. Nancy

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