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Going to the Vet


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Peck is just so stinkin' handsome!! He looks so dignified. What a wonderful job your vet did on his talons and beak. He has got to feel so relieved and you as well. It's obvious that you have fallen in love with your guy :)

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Peck is just so stinkin' handsome!! He looks so dignified. What a wonderful job your vet did on his talons and beak. He has got to feel so relieved and you as well. It's obvious that you have fallen in love with your guy :)


I think he is quite handsome! And yes, I am very much in love with him. Oh so very much. He is just such a GOOD bird! His ability to understand, or at least go along with what I say to him, is amazing. I don't think he will ever be a talker. That's okay. I never wanted to live with a bird because they can talk. I am just in love with their grace and beauty, and a little envious of their ability to fly.

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From your postings, it was obvious that Peck was loved, even though the parent was afraid to do the right thing for Peck. . It won't affect his ability to fly. He may land differently, and you have to be aware of his pain level. I'm glad you can reconnect with his previous owner. I also had that ability with Sophie"s previous owner when I first got her. It really helps with adaption into a new enviroment. Nancy

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From your postings, it was obvious that Peck was loved, even though the parent was afraid to do the right thing for Peck. . It won't affect his ability to fly. He may land differently, and you have to be aware of his pain level. I'm glad you can reconnect with his previous owner. I also had that ability with Sophie"s previous owner when I first got her. It really helps with adaption into a new enviroment. Nancy


We email each other back and forth. She also follows Marden's Ark's Facebook page, where I often post on Peck's adventures. Since they are eventually leaving the country, and he's unbanded AND has no real vet records, she knew she could not take him along. I think we were both very blessed to have found each other. Her for the peace of mind knowing we will give him the best home we can, and us for gaining such a good bird. Although he was a STINKER tonight! Wow! Didn't want to go back, had to chase him around the room and eventually towel him as I have to work tomorrow and needed to get some stuff printed and get to bed! Maybe all that bragging has gone to his head, lol.

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LOL No, he is feeling comfortable and secure now. Let the real Peck stand up! ;)


I suspect you are right. I have a feeling he's used to being the ruler of his people, by virtue of them being afraid of a bite. He was very upset with me last night. I have no idea why he decided the ONE time I really *needed* him to go back was not going to happen. Not cooperatively, anyway. He actually got down on the floor and was chasing my feet. And when he has been in the cage and I put the towel on him to take him out, he was calm and quiet. This time he fought like a wild bird. I did get him to calm down before putting him back, but I could still tell he was miffed. I could see it in his eyes. I hated toweling him. I even tried waiting a bit to see if he'd change his mind.


Today he's back to being Mr. Sweetness and Light. Maybe it was just a bad mood. Maybe it was me bustling around getting things ready for my meeting today, and he felt a bit ignored. Even though I was gone part of the day today, he was cooing and whistling when I came home. What a lovely greeting!

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I am sure it may be too early to do what I did when I received " protest" regarding bed. Sophie put up a stink... wouldn't do it.... so I put her on the floor in front of her cage and said " nite nite" and walked away. She sure did put herself to bed! Our bedtime ritual consists of reading a book together, always Dr. Seuss or Thomas the Tank Engine. ( I can read her favorites with my eyes closed, but she will notice I am not turning the pages! LOL) My guys are so much into a routine, if I get home late from work and rush in the door for bedtime story and I am five minutes late, they have already gone to bed. Sophie will not be interested. I have missed my window of opportunity. Makes me sad, as this is a serious snuggle time nightly. Nancy

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I am sure it may be too early to do what I did when I received " protest" regarding bed. Sophie put up a stink... wouldn't do it.... so I put her on the floor in front of her cage and said " nite nite" and walked away. She sure did put herself to bed! Our bedtime ritual consists of reading a book together, always Dr. Seuss or Thomas the Tank Engine. ( I can read her favorites with my eyes closed, but she will notice I am not turning the pages! LOL) My guys are so much into a routine, if I get home late from work and rush in the door for bedtime story and I am five minutes late, they have already gone to bed. Sophie will not be interested. I have missed my window of opportunity. Makes me sad, as this is a serious snuggle time nightly. Nancy


Awww, that sounds SO sweet.


Mar and I had a routine. He went upstairs with daddy, as mama's the night owl. When I'd go to bed, I'd always go over for a kiss and scritches. Unlike Megan, who got hatey if I woke her, he woke up, made a soft cooing sound, and fluffed up for head scritches and gave me kisses. Oddly, Megan has started doing the same thing, minus the kiss (my lips are still a bit mistrustful of that beak). Daddy does the tucking in routine. Although when daddy was traveling, both birds would want to stay up with mama. Megan now occasionally does, but if she goes to sleep in her cage, she refuses to go upstairs with me when I am ready. Funny how they have their own wishes and they make up their own routines. I cannot attribute ours, at least, to time or sunrise/sunset, either. All our animals - birds included - have always been on crazy schedules. First college with mixes of day and evening classes. Then work, with a late evening schedule that sometimes ran into mornings. All the birds have been fine, with the exception of Mar, and Aria who battled a respiratory infection for a month or so.


Reminds me of an article by an avian "behaviorist" who said parrots don't have egos and she attributes their behaviors to 'patterning'. All of these experts throw the anthropomorphism label at anyone who dares to think that parrots might have their own likes, dislikes and preferences. I just shake my head and disagree. My animals have apparently breaking the rules of nature for many years now. ;) I am pretty sure Megan has a strong ego, and has completely convinced herself that she is the boss around here. Sometimes I suspect she has daddy convinced of that as well.


Tonight, Mr. Sweetness went RIGHT in his cage, and settled in. He did a few calls after I left the room, but we are going to bed early (for me) and I am betting he knows it is not really "bedtime" yet. But he's been a complete peach today. Evidently he did not hold a grudge over our tussle last night.

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I am so glad and relieved that the vet visit went well. I can just hear Peck breathe a sigh of relief now that his beak and nails have been trimmed. Good for you both! Keep the stories coming! I love reading about Peck, especially from someone who is such a good Mommy!

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