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I know it has been a long time... Sukei Update


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My fight with the export papers continue, but I think I can get him to the Bahamas, I have a friend there.


I know the CITIES were put in place for a reason, but were talking about a rescued parrot, not a dozen, not 6 or 5 or 2......


Just one rescued parrot.


I will get him out... He is so smart now.


I ask him ...Sukei who are you, he answers "I am Sukei, what do you want LOL.



I finally got my software and server issues ironed out.


This is not a plug for the web site... so no embed. but I wanted to show you his two year old birthday





I love this little guy, the picture is with my wife.


My Gov Job does not allow me to put my face up....


Thanks guys for all your support and advice since I got him.

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One last note, I found a huge resource here, I suggest anyone needing info on African greys come here , they are helpful, dedicated and their only concern is for the greys.....and other parrots


Thanks again.



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Thanks for the words of encouragement, sometimes, these things wear you down. Sukei seems to have taken no notice at all...LOL, every day there is a new word or phrase. So smart these guys are....


Thanks again.

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Well, I just wanted to say, Thank you to everyone here, and I go NO WHERE else but to this forum when I have time. I wish I had the time to be an everyday dedicated member, but it just is not possible because of my circumstances.


I wanted to give you a little positive news.


While I know this is an "End justifies the means" I think we will have Sukei's CITES paperwork in a few weeks.


Again, I understand why it is in place, and some might disagree with me, on how I am going to bypass it, but it is just for just Sukei.


Some may say if people were not able to circumvent the system then the black market may go away.


To those of you I say your are correct, however, because of ignorance on my part, I am in the situation I am.


But if I follow the LETTER of the law then this one beautiful creature will either be condemned to suffering till its end, or he gets rescued.


This is through no fault of his own.......



So I am going to make the judgment call, and say the end justifies the means..... forgive me for those that do not agree.




On another subject, when I got Sukei, he was in really bad shape, and he has progressed soo far......


He is So intelligent, he is now a full flighted grey, he can fly where ever he wants to in the house, but still seems to have problems with windows......


I put his purch by the windows so he can see it is solid, (He taps on it with his beak), yet sometimes, he just decides he is going to fly full speed into the windows, I thought about placing some colored tape on the windows, anyone have any ideas....


Again I apologize for not interacting every day or so, and only posting when I have time, and thanks for any input.

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If you notice your bird doesn't see the windows, usually with younger birds, get decals in the window. If bird is pecking on the window, as Sophie does everyday, I assume they have a perception of space, and like the sound of pecking the window, as Sophie loves! She also likes to say hi to the mailman, and he runs! As Sophie has learned her new word " morning",,, thats all she says lately with anyone. She will peck at the window and say " morning." Mailman still runs away Nancy

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Sheer curtains work wonders on windows. They let the light through but the birds avoid them. We actually use sheers in doorways to rooms we want to restrict them from flying in. You can still see through, and air circulates, but the birds won't fly through the curtains if they are closed.


Good luck with getting your paperwork through. I hope you can get everything cleared so you can keep your Sukei with you!

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I'm going to go out on a limb here & say that I think more than a few of us would probably take the same road under the same circumstances.


But the CITES regs do exist for some good reasons as well as some that maybe aren't so good. It certainly isn't right for Sukei's fate be determined by bureaucratic nonsense. However, many of the health & welfare aspects aren't all just red tape.


Some countries just don't have trustworthy enough quarantine facilities to get approved. That's the one part of this that's a little dicey. Under the circumstances, I have no idea how you'd go about charting the safest route to get Sukei home & that to me is the only really cringe-worthy part in all this. I wish you all the very best of luck though. Hope you'll continue to keep us updated whenever you get the chance.


Meanwhile, second everything Muse said about sheers for the windows.

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