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Squarkings from South Africa!

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Hi all -


Toby and I are very happy to have found this site! I am in need of help.... (Go to my profile to find out about him if your interested) Toby is currently weaning and on 1 small feed a day (in the evening) and veggies and seed, nuts and fruit throughout the day. He is very thin though! He is 4 months old and weighs in at 375 grams. Tips are VERY welcome!


Help me fatten up my baby!



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Hello and welcome to the family, Hayley, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Toby.


What makes you think he is too thin, has he been to see a vet lately? 375 grams is not too light a weight for a grey, now if the keel bone is easily felt or prominent then that is another matter but an avian vet will know. You don't want to "fatten him up" that is a bad thing to think your bird should be fat, in fact he is the age where he will be losing a little for flight.


Please read thru our many threads here for lots of helpful information that will answer a lot of questions you may have. But if you have specific questions please just ask, we will do our best to answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Toby you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Hi Lady Jane and welcome. I am also from SA. Where are you from.


This site is amazing and you will definately receive a lot of valuable advice.


Do not stress about Toby's weight, my Angie also weighed 375 grams at that age, she will be 1 year on 7 November (almost time for huge birdie party) :P


She has filled out nicely and has picked up weight. Unfortunely she is a "feather chewer"!!!

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THANK YOU all for you replys!


In reply to judygram, (thank you stax for the advice!)


I took him to an avian vet 2 weeks ago. He gave me some tips and I did my best to implement them. Last saturday Toby went on another 'adventure' and after catching him the next day I took him straight to his breeder and had him (and his supposidly clipped wings) checked over. She commented on how thin he was and how his breast bone seemed to visible for comfort... Obviously the 24 hours he was flying about the neighbourhood had a bearing on his weight at the time - as she explained. I told her that I was feeding Toby almost completely on cooked/softened veggies, beans, legumes, pulses and smoothies consisting of highly nutritions and completely organic produce from my garden. I included nuts like almonds, cashews, peacan and walnuts. I kept sunflower seed and monkey nuts to a min knowing that these were less nutritious and usually picked out first... HOWEVER - stupidly, I used to treat him to his favorite flavour of baby food - HUMAN baby food... The boxed stuff... He seemed to like it more than the rest and so I fell into the trap of thinking that it would be sufficient for supper time... The breeder advised otherwise adn gave me a small packed to his baby food. He seems to like it and Ive stopped giving him the human stuff!


The reason I feel he is underweight due to my 'trial and error' feeding is that when compared to other greys owned by friends and family (many of which are the same age), he seems considerably larger in size... But feels somewhat 'leaner'! He's a very active little chap but getting him to eat the amount that the breeder recomended seems impossible... Added to that - he hates pellets!


Maybe Im just being paranoid.... I have a tendancy to want results 'NOW' so maybe im forgetting that all this will take time, patience and lots of TLC!



Hayley and Toby

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Hi, LadyJayne4Toby!


Our Chaco who is 3yrs old going on 4 in 2 months weighs less than 370g.

I consulted her vet about her weight and he thinks that nothing is wrong with it.

She is just a very small kind, strong bone structure, fine feathers and all.

She used to have a very bad eating habit, though I must admit!

She could only eat pellet soaked in hotwater, fed from my hand every morning and night!

She started from 350g, and her heaviest ever is 380g!!


All my friends' CAG's are much heavier and bigger!!


I hope Toby is a healthy happy bird with his(?) weight!


Rikki and Chaco:woohoo:

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At his age he will be thin, all birds drop a lot of weight when they fledge and gain it back over time. Mine got pretty skinny...you could see it in he face. Just be sure to give him lots of his fav "good for him" foods. You said he really liked the baby food so you should offer that to him in another bowl when you give him a morning or afternoon meal...but keep giving the parrot baby food, nothing replaces that when they are still handfeeding.

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Toby has been very poorly lately - I posted a story all about it in the news section of the forum - Tiny Moe the cockatiel had been diagnosed with the polyomavirus and seems to have passed it on the Toby. Although he was only JUST beginning to show the signs and is undergoing daily treatment for it at the vet. Tiny Moe may not make it but Toby is getting MUCH stronger. Any info on the virus would be much appreciated - Have you had a similar experience?

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