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Always use caution!


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Today is a beautiful spring day. I decided to take the squeak squad ( 4 caiques) in their carriers outside. I also took Neytiri (CAG) who just turned two yesterday out on her harness for the fresh air.


Neytiri was flying in a circle nicely and landed in the grass. I went to pick her up and as I bent down a hawk flew over my head and landed in the tree behind me about 20 feet away. I scooped Neytiri up and held her close. Ran to the open garage and yelled to hubby to get the squeaks. I was so scared.


I was looking to the sky for hawks as we have many here. Please be ever vigilant when your bird is in the open.

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We have three crows that live near our property and are constantly on the ground hunting/foraging. About a week ago I had a dream that I was returning from a Townie ride and hopped off to check the mail. One of those crows flew over and knocked my conure off the bars, grabbed it off the ground and flew up into a tree. I ran after it and it was holding the conure just out of reach taunting me with it. The conure was looking at me with his little eye and I could tell he knew he was going to die. At that point in the dream I dashed back to the bike and realized the other crow had gotten my Caique. What a friggin nightmare that was. It was so off-putting that my wife and I decided their may be meaning behind it.


I never leave my birds, nor have them unharnessed outdoors so not sure why I'd have a dream like that.

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So glad to know that everything worked out well, and that no one was hurt. A very timely reminder since spring and summer are rapidly approaching many parts of the world. We, too, have too many raptors in our immediate area for me to be able to consider harness flying Inara, as much as I would love to. We have, though, already been able to go outside together a couple of times the past week or two and bask in the sunshine, with her in her travel cage. When the weather warms completely up, we'll move her old living cage out onto the front deck so that she can have plenty of (supervised) play room outdoors.

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How scary ! I am like many others here, I would never take my birds out without a carrier. I almost lost my Bichon several months ago as a great horned owl grabbed him several times trying to take him away, luckily I hollered and frightened it and he dropped him. He was severely injured, but is doing fine today. We have ravens, hawks, bears, fishercats, coydogs, deer

you name it daily.

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