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Happy 5 year Bird-day Nilah!!


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I am guessing Nilah has decided that birdroom is her happy birthday present and its all hers. Every time I sign in on the forum and see the other bird room, my thoughts go to Nilah and her exuberance, her singing, her antics. Like all our forum amazons, she keeps me thinking "maybe" some day. Happy Birthday to Nilah the beautiful! Congrats to you Penny on helping her overcome the morning stink pot routine so she can be out and enjoy your mornings again.

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Thank you Katana for your happy wishes to Nilah, and YES she truly believes this Birdroom is HERS! She

LOVES being out in it. Today is the first warm day we have had, so she is in it now and has been all day. I brought Rikki out and tried to give her a piece of my garlic bread (as I sat on the love seat I put out there for me ) but she is still scared and clings to me. Rikki and Talon were never fond of the outdoors , then don't like sitting in frontbof a screen window ever.


Luvparrots, yes Nilah did let Bird know it was HER day and it was all about HER!

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