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Sterling is Talking!


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My boy has been home for 2 weeks and was born in January of this year and he's already saying " good morning" and " morning". At first I thought no way but that's exactly what he's saying. How unusual is that for his age? He also took a shot at pretty bird this morning. I'll see if he repeats it.

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Wingnut4772... So excited for you and Sterling! If you think you heard it... you probably did! Now remember... vocalization progresses over time. Some chatter quickly, some don't. Some start talking, then stop. Continue to educate, encourage vocalization, and set rules. The number one rule for our family, as I have boys galore, is go into the garage if you need to curse! We have had that rule forever! Sophie has a clean mouth. My boys always knew that was important to me. They delivered. Worse word Sophie knows is Sh..! She rarely says it...and if she does,she knows I will not be happy, so rarely hear it. Nancy

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But he's only 3 months old? Is it possible?


Megan started talking at 3 mos. old. Her first word was "ow" (as in "Ow, ow, ow!" when she bit down on daddy's ear) and she then repeated "What're ya doin'?" which is what the breeder said to them when he would gather them up for feedings. From there it has been non-stop. She quickly graduated to making her own phrases. Like I tell her "Be a nice bird, don't bite" which she turned into "Don't bite, nice bird." It sounds like you have an exceptionally intelligent little bird there. That's the up side. The down side is you will soon have very little peace and quiet in your life, lol.

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Wingnut4772... So excited for you and Sterling! If you think you heard it... you probably did! Now remember... vocalization progresses over time. Some chatter quickly, some don't. Some start talking, then stop. Continue to educate, encourage vocalization, and set rules. The number one rule for our family, as I have boys galore, is go into the garage if you need to curse! We have had that rule forever! Sophie has a clean mouth. My boys always knew that was important to me. They delivered. Worse word Sophie knows is Sh..! She rarely says it...and if she does,she knows I will not be happy, so rarely hear it. Nancy


It is so funny how the read our reactions. Megan used to whistle and says "C'mere, Mar." It only took her a couple of days of me bursting into tears after losing him for her to completely stop saying it. My husband says she still says "Give Mar a kiss" but evidently rarely and out of my earshot.

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Thank you for your thread that brings back such happy memories for me. Our baby Juno was talking at twelve weeks, before he came home from the breeder. He told me "hello" when I was visiting him in the weeks leading up to his homecoming. There was nothing as special as his happy little face in the morning when he said "good morning" and rushed right out of his sleepy time tent to greet the morning with eyes bright, cheeks flushed and pure love. You are right that nothing compares to the excitement and thrill of this little bundle of feathers learning our language and seeing our delight, then becoming eager to show us more.

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I walked in the room with a snack for Peck tonight and he looked at me and said a very clear "What?" His mommy told me that he'd learned it from her mother, who was hard of hearing. They said other than that and few other words he doesn't talk. Megan MORE than makes up for it, of course.

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