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Question on feeding??


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Ok SweetHeart supposible ate very well at the breeders. Wondering if this could be cause it's all new to her here as well. I found out too that dinner time was a social time with the other birds in the kitchen as well as play time with them. So this is probably my problem I am having with her flying into the kitchen. Anyway, I was told to have her pellets and fresh fruit and veggies along with water in her cage when we were away at work. When I get home to give her a warm meal. So this is what I have been doing and it's not working! She pretty much seems to starve herself for her seeds. She was sent with a care package that had soo much stuff in it and she won't eat any of it really. She barely eats at her pellets. And with the fruits and veggies she doesn't even make a notch in them. She ate half of a carrot stick and that was it. She just started playing with some things like toys and popsicle sticks and these little bird treat balls. So that is an improvement from the last few days. Although I got bit twice today but I think she was just starving for her seeds. She gets them on her play gym when I get home and put her on her play top. I tried taking the seeds off today and yesterday and giving her a warm meal. I bought these packs called Kitchen Creations and if I were a parrot I would love them lol. I don't understand is it just cause she is still settling? Should I take the seeds away? She seems very grumpy if she doesn't get them when she is out. Can you help me on this? I don't want to starve her and I don't want her to be grumpy. I know she won't starve but I want her to be happy. Any suggestions? Thanks again guys/gals! If I didn't have all of you I don't know what I would do! I will try to load a pic here in a little bit of her to show you a better one. Oh and is it unusual that she won't take anything from my hand? Like food? She won't eat anything off my plate when I try to give it to her. Ok I think that's it for questions for the moment lol. Thanks again!

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I can't keep Josey out of my plate at dinner and she knows what is on it that she wants and digs right in. Show her how yummy the food is and maybe that will entice her to try it. Most of them will want to eat what they see us eating.


No I wouldn't take her seeds away from her but you need to get her to eat other foods besides so much seeds, continue to give her the seeds and in time you can work on reducing the amount of them that she gets.


She is still getting used to you yet and she does not trust you yet or she would take something from your hand, it takes a while to build that trust and to bond with your bird, so don't rush it.


I think maybe you are trying to rush things too much and if that stresses you then she can pick up on that and then she stresses also. Slow down and take it easy and relax and see if it doesn't get better for you and her.


Maybe some of the other members have some more suggestions that might help you but patience is key here.:)

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Judy's advice is right on! Klaus basically grabs some of whatever I'm eating (which forces me to stay away from chocolate & potato chips!).

Also, if it would make you feel better, there is a product called NutriBerries. It's seeds that are rolled with other stuff into little balls, and it's supposed to be super nutritious. Of course, the manufacturer suggests that you switch your bird over to this as their main food. I just pop one into Klaus's dish when I'm feeding him. Sometimes he eats it, sometimes he doesn't. I consider it to be like his daily vitamin. :)

Anyway, that's one way your bird could get her beloved seeds, and some nutrition, too.

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