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Meet Peck ...


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This is great. You are so in tune with your greys. All we have to do is pay attention and they try so hard to let us know what they want and do as you ask. I too can't wait until both greys can meet each other. But this "alone" time between you and Peck is good for both of you and priceless.


They eye each other across the room and through the doors. So far it has been a lot of curious staring, and no puffing, hissing, growling, beak-banging or "a-wooo-ing" - on either bird's part. When the grackles are outside at the feeders and I show them to Megan through the door she *always* does the "a-wooo!" and a very loud bang-bang-bang with her beak on the window. I picture her imagining herself flying out there and chasing them all away from the feeders. LOL


I am sure that Peck is probably thinking, "I don't know how I am ever going to get her trained, she's very slow. It took several reps for her to catch on." LOL


I just hope he can feel the love and I also hope he understands the frequent tears are not over him. I am dreading Tuesday. I am sure I am going to be on his "list" after I drag him off to the vet, probably involving a towel and some biting. I think that is why my husband is the adored one here. I do all the "mean" stuff. :(

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My parrots have never "blamed" me for the vet. I take them and the assistant and vet are the ones who treat them, not me. I do not go into the room with them. I am just waiting to take them home. Do reassure them with soft words, treats and a trip home to safety. Not one of the three as ever "blamed" me.

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Oh how I dreaded Miss Gilbert's first vet visit, shortly after she came to us and she was a bundle of fear and raw nerves. . Then when we got there the vet and his assistant just prepared to towel her, asked her to step up... And she did. It was incredible. She did get a bite of the vet right under his fingernail when they held her for an exam and blood work. When he put her down she was eager to come back to me and get in her back pack. She is more cooperative at the vet now than she usually is at home. Hoping Peck has an uneventful visit as well.

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Sophie loved, and did quite well with walking around before she could fly. She can now do both, but still prefers to walk.Whether she flies or walks doesn't matter to her. Her goal is to get to me or kids and once she achieves her goal, she is happy! Don't worry about crying... Greys are empathetic. They may not understand why you are sad, but that you are. Peck sounds fantastic, and I suspect he understands your sadness. Nancy

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