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Got Red Palm Oil at the grocery store.


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Not sure if this is news to anyone else. But I was pleasantly surprised to find what looked to me like a good Red Palm Oil at Stop & Shop in MA just now. Found Nutiva RPO in the organic food aisle. 15 oz. jar, normally $7.49 on sale for $6.49. No tax - for us anyway.


Says it's 100% organic, habitat friendly, vegan, etc. Sounded like all the right stuff. Or am I missing something...?



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Not sure if this is news to anyone else. But I was pleasantly surprised to find what looked to me like a good Red Palm Oil at Stop & Shop in MA just now. Found Nutiva RPO in the organic food aisle. 15 oz. jar, normally $7.49 on sale for $6.49. No tax - for us anyway.


Says it's 100% organic, habitat friendly, vegan, etc. Sounded like all the right stuff. Or am I missing something...?





Nope, you're not missing anything----good price too.



Your next step is to find out if your bird will eat it as is (thick- semi-solid) or do you have to melt it down to a liquid and drip it on things. Some like it solid and some like it liquidy.



If your bird doesn't like it as is, get an old seasoning jar, wash out thoroughly, put a glob of the oil in the jar, micro for approx. 25/30 seconds, put in fridge until it's room temp, thrn drip some out onto food he really likes



photo 1 is before micro

photo 2 is after micro. the oil changes to dark red when microwaved







Edited by Dave007
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I was kind of in a hurry when I first got home. So before I put the jar away, I unceremoniously scraped a chunk off onto the edge of everyone's dish. When I walked back into the room a few minutes later, I was greeted by a bunch of messy, orange faces. :)


My guys are really good eaters. Although it took years for Phenix to come around. Now he & everyone else *usually* tuck into 97% of whatever's in their dish & they've had RPO both ways before.


Just not this particular kind. But it looks like it gets Dr. Flock's & everyone else's seal of approval. So I'm a moderately happy camper. ")

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I have not tried the solid yet, i usually mix it with their noodles or in sauce of some kind. Funny, i know when the cockatoos eat it, the first time i saw their face after red palm oil, they got a complete physical to find out where the blood came from! lol

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^^^ I can imagine how your heart might skip a beat the first time seeing all those beautiful white feathers covered in RPO! :) Someday I hope you'll post a messy face pic, though.


Gee Dee, if your local store is stocking RPO, the toy & pine nut budget just got a bi-i-ig bump! I've been buying it online for less than that. But this was still such a good price I was afraid something would disqualify it for the fids. Let alone the convenience of adding it to any milk & bread run.


The one thing I did notice this morning is that the shelf life is only 1 yr. My jar only has a couple of months left before the give up date. Usually I'm better about checking those types of things. But I was so excited I guess I forgot.


So I guess I'm actually going to be testing some of those things I've thought about using RPO for human consumption. Maybe even the dog. It's supposed to be good stuff for everyone, from what I've read.

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Even buying it at full price from Stop & Shop, you could turn around 1 jar a day on average & never have to work again. Have to make up for that huge point reward, though. Maybe drop the shipping to say $30?


Wow, Red Palm Oil really is some amazing stuff!! lol

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