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Restful shower

Brat Birds

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Brat Birds... I'm so jealous! LOL! Sophie gives me a " no thank you", very politely when it comes to a shower. Once a month I have to go into " mama means business", and its got to get done. She knows and hates every minute of it. YOU are so lucky! Maybe I can send Sophie over to your house for a few days to see Peanut. Sunny and Kiki have always loved their shower, but no go for Sophie. Nancy

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Thanks everyone. Nancy, there were many, many stern, bad Mommy days before he began to enjoy getting wet. With Peanut, I found that real warm water was the answer. My Sun likes his cold. The Tiel doesn't seem to care about temperature - just get it over as fast as possible! LOL

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Brat Birds... I'm so jealous! LOL! Sophie gives me a " no thank you", very politely when it comes to a shower. Once a month I have to go into " mama means business", and its got to get done. She knows and hates every minute of it. YOU are so lucky! Maybe I can send Sophie over to your house for a few days to see Peanut. Sunny and Kiki have always loved their shower, but no go for Sophie. Nancy


This sounds so much like Megan. In fact, the last time I tried to give her a shower, she went crazy and flew into the mirror. She obviously needed it, as she left a perfect image of a flying Grey on the glass with her 'powder'. She flies from the spray bottle. Even when I have tried to mist her in her cage, she gets so upset and frantic that I am afraid she will hurt herself. The only way she will take a shower is if she has a bowl of water. And she has to be in the mood for this. Then she dances and plays in the water and loves it. Like *everything* else - it has to be on HER terms. She won't even indulge in the bird bath in the playroom, though it is a huge hit with all the other little birds except the budgies.

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If Sophie didn't love and trust me, the shower business would be like the Wizard of Oz! I'm MELTING.... I"M MELTING!!!! Sean and I clean the cages. When the dander is high ( we know who it is), we just look at each other and know. Sean always says ( do you want to tell her, or should I?) I always tell Sean to tell her, I'll be waiting in the shower. I put on a tee shirt and shorts... Sunny goes first and loves it! Sophie playing on the floor with Sean. Sunny comes out, Sophie goes in. NO ROM NO! I tell her she is dirty and needs a bath. She tells me " Sophie no dirty!" Then she flips into every song she knows trying to convince me not to shower her. It gets done and quickly. I always cuddle her after and tell her I am sorry you don't like to shower and I love you. She forgives me quickly. We partial blowdry her as she likes that, but don't want to dry her out.Its a pain in the butt but we love our girl and her attempts to avoid the shower. Nancy

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