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Dinner with the birds

Ray P

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Tonight we sat down to a chicken dinner and as always before we were done the birds came out to share what was left.

We gave each of the three birds a chicken bone with some meat left on for them to enjoy.

Willie our cockatiel went over to his plate and started to pick at the bone and pulling off the meat that he wanted, Corky our grey did not want much to do with the chicken bone or the meat we left on it for her. Now Cricket on the other hand did not waste any time going to and jumping into taking that bone apart. Cricket wasn`t interested in the meat, she wanted the gristle and the bone, and did she have a good time tarring it apart. She has had that bone now for two hours and shows no sign of stopping any time in the near future.

The gristle is gone and the bone is holding its own for the time anyway as she will not let go.

Amazons are so much fun to watch when they eat as they enjoy it with such gusto, just like a human.

And don`t try and take that bone away because it won`t happen.

Now if you give Corky a watermelon, she will almost take a bath in it, and Willie just loves his millet.

Eating like a bird dose not apply to Amazons, Pig on the other hand ???

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My parrots are not meat eaters. Not one of them cares for a chicken bone, fish or any meat. They just toss bones on the bottom of their cages and eat veggies, nuts and seeds although they have a choice. Shrimp forget it. My gang are vegetarians.


Would love to see some pictures of Cricket scarfing down her food.

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Ray, you are opening my heart and mind to the possibility of an amazon at some point in my life. There is nothing better for me than to feed a hungry person or creature. We have tried chicken bones and haven't had any takers, they both just drop it to the bottom of the cage and never go near it. Shrimp on the other hand is a treasured delicacy occasionally. Now that Miss Gilbert is learning to fly, I am going to have to find some tasty treats to incentivize her to come to the table with us. I would love to see Cricket or Judy's Josey splintering a bone.

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Aww yes, dinner with 3 birds! Always a fun time. When I roast a whole chicken after carving and it cools, I leave t on te counter for all 3 to indulge until their hearts content. Of course, Nilah eats at it like she's never even fed before. An amazon never turns away food!

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