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So excited for you guys! I know you won't compare Peck to Mar. Its just you opening your heart once again. Nancy


Thanks, Nancy. You are such an encouragement to me! I will be sure to post pictures and a full report tomorrow evening.

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Almost time!! Very happy for both of you & hopefully Miss M, too.


Phenix makes some of those jungle parrot sounds. Although early on, after he finally opened up, he made a lot more. Once he learned to talk human, he starting making a lot less wild calls & whistles. But he still does whenever the spirit moves him & I enjoy listening too.


I am going to play some of the 'wild' videos for Peck. Hopefully it will encourage him, and remind him he is a bird.

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I was reading too fast trying to catch up today and thought that when you said your husband bought you a camera, those were pictures of Megan at your house. Then I caught that you posted pics from his former home and looked again. He is out of the cage, looking relaxed and part of the family. It looks like a lot of hard work has been done and they will help him transition to your loving home. I am watching with great interest to see how this goes. If Miss Gilbert gains her flight and becomes settled here, we may want to think about a friend. Thanks for keeping up with us on the forum and sharing this exciting new adventure in your life.


Thank you! I will have to take some good pictures of Megan soon and post them.

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Tomorrow is the day! I am excited to hear how it goes, so i can only guess your excitement! Best wishes and i will be thinking of you all tomorrow!


Thanks so much! I will definitely post some pictures and an update tomorrow!

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I am going to play some of the 'wild' videos for Peck. Hopefully it will encourage him, and remind him he is a bird.


Peck's going to get a beautiful new female grey companion. If Megan doesn't give him a reason to get his birdiness back, nothing will. Especially if she decides to give him a run for his money. lol


I've always been a little afraid to play wild grey vids for Phenix. He had so much trouble adjusting to captivity that I was worried it might remind him of being free. No way to know, either way.

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Peck's going to get a beautiful new female grey companion. If Megan doesn't give him a reason to get his birdiness back, nothing will. Especially if she decides to give him a run for his money. lol


I've always been a little afraid to play wild grey vids for Phenix. He had so much trouble adjusting to captivity that I was worried it might remind him of being free. No way to know, either way.


How old was Phenix when he was caught? How long have you had him?


It's been hard for me. I cry *EVERY* time we watch the wild bird videos. They seem to arouse a guilt in me for taking that freedom away from them. That is how the whole "we need a huge aviary" snowball started.


Here are a few picture of her royal snarkiness. She is upset with me today. I am not sure if she understood when I told her a new bird is coming today or what, but she is having nothing to do with me at the moment. Cage door is hanging open but she is staying inside. Note the motion blur in the first few pics. That is her making the "a-wooo!" warning sound, and bobbing her head. She proceeded to bang her beak against the door. Finally, when I finished taking the pictures, she came out and perched on top of the cage, but is still actively ignoring me.







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How old was Phenix when he was caught? How long have you had him?


It's been hard for me. I cry *EVERY* time we watch the wild bird videos. They seem to arouse a guilt in me for taking that freedom away from them. That is how the whole "we need a huge aviary" snowball started.


Phenix was reinvented here 25 yrs ago. His eyes were always very pale. So he was a mature adult when he came home. Best guess is he was banded at one of the smaller quarantine stations. I've never been able to trace the numbers.


He looked ancient when he arrived. He had been abused. He was sick & malnourished. If there's no guessing a grey's age then it was even more true of Phenix under the circumstances. He had no name & no history. All he had was a bright new future, even though it took us both a while before we figured it out.


Whenever I see wild vids I'm so conflicted. The joy to see hundreds of these magnificent birds living wild & free vs my fear for them & the guilt that our birds, even the well treated live such a comparably restricted life ...for better or worse. I cry every time I see capture footage. Even before I put Phenix in every frame, I couldn't watch it.


I'm so very glad that you'll be taking Peck into your flock. Now especially since you've got the sanctuary plans. But even w/o that, he couldn't have gotten a more caring & nurturing environment to thrive in. I am really looking forward to Peck's story from here on. And I am very obviously not alone there!! :)

Edited by birdhouse
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