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In the Kitchen w/Marco


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Soooooo.... normally when Im in the kitchen, Marco sits on her swing so she can watch and be a part of me doing things in the kitchen. Now that shes 2+ her vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds. Now it only seems to take DAYS for her to repeat something shes heard (or so it would seem)

Flash back to being in the kitchen. Shes on her swing, Im down just a little ways from her doing dishes. We are doing just typical normal banter back and forth. She likes to ask what you doing etc. We havent been in the kitchen very long but still enjoying the bonding time with her and then this ....

Marco: Whatcha doin'?

Me: Washing dishes, getting ready to make some dinner.

Marco: Are you hungry?

Me: No, are you hungry? Want some Dinner?

Marco: Apple?

Me: Do you want an apple?

Marco: Come here

Me: What do you want?

Marco: Come see me

Me: I gotta finish my dishes

~~~ Dramatic pause while she plays on the swing a bit quietly.....

Marco (a few minutes later): Hi Marco (in a super sweet soft low voice .. just love when she does this)

Me: Hi Marco whatch doing over there?

Marco: Is Marco a good girl?

(it caught me off guard I stopped what I was doing and looked at her and said)

Me: I dont know ....... IS Marco a good girl?!?!??

without a split second of hesitation .... she replies excitedly

Marco: FK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::o

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