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I'm soooo excited, Escher is talking again. He said Hello to me several times yesterday and again today and today he also said what ya doin. He's 22 months old now and still as lovable as ever.

My job changed and I don't get to spend as much time with him. As a result he is a lot more clingy. On the up side he now lets my husband get him out of the cage and spend time with him. If I'm home Escher still tries to bite Jared but if I'm not here he's very good.

On the 6th it will be one year since he chose me and it has been great. His eyes have changed colors and I kind of miss that grey because it means he's growing up but if he stays as lovable and cuddly as he is now I'm ok with him getting older.

So everyone cross y'all fingers that he keeps talking, not that it matters if he does or doesn't, I just love his old man voice.

He does do new sounds. He meows, which he must have gotten from the tv cause we don't have a cat. He still barks, makes clicking sounds, coos like a dove, laughs, and he now makes a new trilling noise and a ch ch ch sound, which I just realized a couple of days ago he gets from me.

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So glad you are growing in your relationship with Escher. A year certainly flies, by doesn't it? My CAG will be three in July and her eyes are also changing. Still some hints of gray hue, but getting lighter every day. When I see pics of black-eyed babies, I get a bit misty that she is growing up--but we are closer now than ever and have come so far. It seems like you are experiencing that ever deepening relationship with your grey as well. I'm glad to hear that Escher loves both you and your husband. They do pick one "beloved" but it sounds like Escher loves daddy as well. The "terrible twos" haven't been too bad for Gracie and I, although she has tested me. I am glad Escher is still as sweet as ever, but if he has a mood once in a while, know it is just part of the growing up process. I wasn't the most lovable teenager, and I don't expect any different from my bird. As far as the talking...that's great that he is more chatty. I know that the amount of talking is not paramount, but I believe it can be a means of bonding and I hope he keeps growing linguistically. Keep posting and let us know how Escher is growing and changing.

Edited by JeffNOK
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So happy for you guys and Escher! 22 months is very young in my opinion, but I just have Sophie adopted at age two to compare too! Minimal talking when we got her, but from a fantastic home! She talks up a storm and started mostly around 2 1/2. She is 14 now, and still makes new words and sounds.She is a snuggle muffin, but more around the age of three as she was " too busy" getting into things.Keep encouraging the relationship with daddy even when you are home. Let him see the loveable interaction you guys have. Practice stepup between the two of you, turn it into a game.Sophie steps up to all of us equally and we treat her like a hot potato! LOL! If one gets busy... Sophie is handed off to the next. She doesn't mind. She loves all of us but for different reasons.Sean comes home from college around every three weeks. Ryan in college in north carolina and they skype. When he does come home once a year.... Sophie is at the door and she is always first priority. Nancy

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Thanks y'all. He is a character, he cracks us up all the time. Nancy we try to work with him going from me to Jared but when we get close he starts squaking his head off. We laugh cause it's hilarious. If he is on his play stand and I get what he thinks is too close to Jared he starts squaking. There are times when I'm home and he has to go with Jared but I have to pick him up and put him on Jared otherwise my poor hubby gets bit if he tries. If I'm not home Escher and his dad are just fine.

Judygram, Escher quit talking months ago, before the job changes. When he learned to laugh and scream he quit talking. He had turned into a closet talker then he just quit all together. He started again a few days ago but he would talk when I was busy cooking or on the phone and I missed what he said, this time he was right next to me and I was talking to him so it was really exciting.

Inara he constantly surprises me. He has adjusted so well to the change in routines I was shocked. It has helped him and my hubby get closer so that's a really good thing. I was really scared about how he was going to adjust but he's still his happy little self just a little more clingy, but I don't mind that at all.

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Escher is doing everything " right on time!" You guys are doing everything great as well! Try something we did for Sophie. It was stupid... but it changed everything! Buy the game " Trouble". Play it in front of your baby with you and your husband. Establish the rules right from the start. If you want to " pop " the bubble... you have to stepup to the next person. Of course, when Escher pops the bubble, you do it for him. I know it sounds crazy, and so simple, but this game got Sophie to stepup to everyone. She couldn't WAIT to pop that bubble! LOL 14 years later... it is still her favorite game! She is now a " gameaholic! She will leave your team the moment she thinks you are losing!Sophie will stepup on the shoulder of the winning team! They are GREAT friends and are willing to chance it. I'm just disappointed that she can be so shallow! LOL! Nancy

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I forgot to mention my little man has learned how not to crash land. He was clipped when we got him a year ago and we decided to let his flights grow back in. He's had them for a few months but would crash land a lot and crash into walls. He now knows how to bank when coming up to a wall and lands pretty much where he is aiming. He's still a little wobbly when he lands on the top of the blinds. He can fly through the whole apartment before landing safely, he did it yesterday for the first time. He doesn't fly to us on command yet but we are working on that. Yesterday instead of stepping up he flew from the bookshelf to my shoulder and today he flew from hubby's hand to his shoulder. Work in progress but getting there.

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Don't worry about flight training or talking! Both will come in time. His time table may be a little slower than you would like. Brutus is six now and he is an expert flyer. I love to watch him make split second changes to his flight path to avoid obstacles, etc. He is just a master and he knows it! It makes him so proud of himself, and I'm a proud Mama too.

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