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New grey owner

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Well we finally took the plunge and brought home our baby Timneh last weekend. She is 13 and a half weeks old and is doing great. She still gets weening pellets in the morning before work and when I get home but she's is doing very well with her more solid food as well. She really likes her roudybush so I'm happy she is transitioning we'll because the breeder had her mostly on seeds, also she loves her fresh fruits and veggies. Our little lady is named Gandalf ( gf is a big LOTR nerd).


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So far our schedule is get up for work,I feed her weening pellets. She hangs with me or hangs out on her tree. As you can see her tree has a food bowl that is currently stocked with pellets(trying to get her a little less dependent on seed). Her cage has 3 bowls currently she has 2 water bowls because I don't think she's great at finding her water because she drinks a lot outside her cage. To try and fix this I have millet hanging right near her water. She goes in her cage and I leave for work, once I return at 2:30 she's out until 7 ish. In that time she gets more weening pellets, fresh fruits and veggies and/or warm oatmeal or a rice bean veggie mix. We do small target training sessions just to get her used to the clicker. We have been working with her to get her used to her travel cage because if all goes well we may bring her to my moms this Saturday for some socializing. Is there anything specific that I may be overlooking that would benefit Gandalf?

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Hi Ray, welcome to you, gf and Gandalf. You seem off to a great start together. Love that you are taking her to visit your parents and giving her the benefit of many people she will know and trust in her extended flock. It seems as if you are on top of things. The only thing I can think of that might make your life easier later is to start training her to wear an Aviator harness now while she is letting you touch her and hold her. If you get her accustomed to it, she could ride on your shoulder outside to get sunshine and that will be beneficial to you both. Its one of those things that if you start early and keep her accustomed to wearing it on a regular basis, it will really be helpful.

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That is something I overlooked are there any recommendations for specific brands or types of harnesses? Gandalf will be fully flighted( breeder did a small clip on her before we bought her) she can fly quite well just not the best at gaining altitude. Harness training will be a must because my gf and myself spend a lot of time outside and would love for our parrot to accompany us!

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Welcome Ray and Gandalf. You are doing great! Always important to socialize our kids, so " off to Grandma we go!" My girl Sophie is 14 now, well socialized that started the moment she walked in the door, adopted at age two. She LOVED, the football and wrestling sleepovers, and even though I put her to bed, I always found her sleeping on someone.( obviously kids let her out). She would tell me SHHHHH as kids were sleeping! LOL!

As kids got older, and I went out of town for the weekend, Sophie gave me a full report on what went down! ( can't bribe her!)LOL.

I know you will find so much enjoyment with your baby and create so many experiences and memories. Our birds are priceless in what they contribute to the family dynamics. Nancy

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Hi and welcome. You have a beautiful bird! You mentioned getting Gandalf ready to go on a first visit to Mom's. Early socialization is really important, and I commend you for making it part of the big plan for Gandalf's life. I think I rushed the process a bit with my CAG Gracie. I remember that I brought her home on December 14th 2011, and took her on her first journey (In a Pak-O-Bird) to my parents' house for Christmas eve. It wasn't a disaster, but she was out of her element, flew and crashed into walls and perched on a high light fixture refusing to come down or step up for quite some time. I am not trying to say your TAG will have any problems, but if I had to do it over again, I would have people come to my place for socialization first before taking her out of her home. I will admit that Gracie my CAG took a while to warm up to me and acclimate to our home anyway, and her "grey time" may be longer than your TAG's. I had to back off and let her ease into things more slowly. What I thought would take days--took months. In the end she adjusted well, but I had to recalibrate my expectations and timetables. Now she loves to travel and meet people and visits "friends" several times a month. Just read her body language and assess her comfort level and proceed accordingly. Good luck and keep us all updated.

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I found that familiarizing Marco with the PERSON first before bringing her to their house helped TREMENDOUSLY when travelling or needing to drop her off to be watched elsewhere besides home. I also have the aviator harness and she loves being outside with me. Welcome to you and your new little baby ... great pics btw :)

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Hello Ray and welcome to our family.

You have an adorable baby grey there in those pictures, I just love those dark eyes they have. Its good you are taking her on outings to get some socialization and get used to being in a travel cage, they benefit from joining us on excursions away from the home so good luck on this Saturday's trip.

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the kind words! Today was our first trip out of the vet, our trip was to the vets office. Overall checkup went very well and blood work results should be back Ina few days. Also I read Greys have a few extra dietary needs, is Harrison's high potency that much better than roudybush maintenance?

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Hi and welcome. I use Roudybush California blend. It is the first pellet all my fids would eat. I get it in mini. With the harness, make sure you check for wear and tear often. Even though they say it can't be chewed through, I have two that say otherwise. LOL My Sun Conure did them in.

I also have a TAG, he is eight years old. I say he, but we have not had him DNAed.

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