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Finally eating pellets


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Well after a month or so of trying Rohan is finally eating pellets. I know there are differing opinions on whether or not they have to be on a pellet diet but for me it is more of just the ability to have one more food option. It seems he actually prefers it over seed now as he will pick out the pellets and eat them when I have them mixed with seed. I am just trying to keep him as healthy as possible. Each morning he gets fresh cut apples, baby carrots, jalapanos, and brussel sprouts. Those seem to be his favorite vegetables at the moment with the jalapanos the forerunner. I don't know why it is so hard to get birds to eat the pellets I would say if the pellet companies were a dog food company they would be out of business as it is very hard to get them to eat it. Anyway it felt like a minor victory.



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Yay for Rohan! A GREAT victory for you. Never give up on a healthy diet. They waste like crazy like.... forever! LOL Actually, eventually they start trying new things, or things you have repeated over and over.If Sophie dislikes something once, she gets it introduced into her diet several more times. Broccholi is a BIG no no for her no matter how much I give it to her or make it. She finds it and throws it out.Remember you can also get veggie parrot mix. I do both and my guys love it. Nancy

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Go Rohan!! You are right, people do disagree on pellets. I like to keep a small amount in their cages at all times. That way if something should happen and I am not home on time, I know they will have something to eat. Just make sure the rest of the diet is good and you have it made!

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Follow a healthy diet delivering basic food groups from humans. Keep free sugar to a minimal, and watch on how much cholesterol we deliver. Remember too broccholi and kale deliver protein.( I was surprised when I learned that!).She has pellets, freeze dryed veggies fresh fruits and veggies. She picks and chooses, and I NEVER have worried about her diet. I worry more about moving her cage away from the wall as fresh blackberries and raspberries eats paint! Also I hear fresh fruit isn't that good for them. Nancy

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I find Marco wont touch the pellets any more hasnt for probably over a year. I still keep them in her cage but usually throw them out when I change her bowls as they go untouched. I do however find she eats them if I hide them in her birdie bread :) so its all good!

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