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Spring, just around the corner.

Ray P

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Cricket has a bath tub in her cage and all winter about two or three times a week she will take a good bath.

Well today she jumped into her bath tub with such excitement and enthusiasm like she was getting ready for opening day at the ballpark. Water was everywhere

She can look out her window and see the ground still covered with snow, but it`s like she can see a change coming.

I know it`s only March 30th and we still can get some heavy snow in April, but I believe she knows something that I don`t.(I hope)

She may want to through out the first pitch on opening day of the ball game. She getting ready for something.

The batteries in my camera were to low to get a video. this bath went on for about 20 minutes and now she is preening her feathers.

I hope this is a good sign.(I hope, I hope, I hope)

Edited by Ray P
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I am hoping rising temperatures this week will usher in the warmer weather, yesterday it rained but it was mild and then this morning it was cold again with snow showers, I think everyone is looking forward to spring, the calendar might say its spring but we beg to differ.

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I agree our fids know spring is here. Gracie has been asking to go to the park daily. It's crazy since she hasn't been since November and hasn't mentioned it--but suddenly it is "park time". The only bad part about spring in Oklahoma is "tornado season". Tonight we are under a tornado watch--ugh--first of the season. My parents have installed a tornado safe room--so Gracie and I will be visiting that room at least 5 or 6 times before the end of June. Regardless--Gracie and I love spring!

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Yes, it is Spring and NIlah's hormones are kicking in. I had to leave her in her cage this am for breakfast. Now that she has had 2 visits to our outdoor birdroom, she wants OUT!!! She keeps flying to the windows and chewing the wooden panes..:( constantly...Hopefully this will pass..:(

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Nilah knows you had the outdoor bird room built just for her.


Well Ray, you would be correct! I have been working on furnishing it when I get home from work the last couple of days, it's still knd of cold here, so it's slow going. Nilah does come out with me and love it!

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