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Behavioral changes - should I be worried?


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Toby is typically a rambunctious 2 1/2 year old TAG…we can usually depend on him to vocalize constantly in the morning and evening, and insert himself into whatever we are doing in the day.


The last couple of days, we've noticed some changes. He is a lot quieter than usual and has hardly vocalized. He is still quite active playing in his cage, preening, etc. but we notice that he is napping more. He is still eating/drinking normally as far as we can tell (if anything the appetite seems to have increased given the rate he guzzles his pellets). He's also *more* affectionate and angles for head rubs at every chance (something he hasn't done as much in the last 6 months), but he has a few remaining pin feathers from his molt and is probably a lithe uncomfortable. He is pretty active still when we let him out of the cage and will fly around and fly to us.


Is there anything here that sounds worrying? I could be paranoid, but also aware that even small changes in behavior could indicate signs of illness. The lack of vocalization is very unusual and is the part that has me most concerned. Thanks for your thoughts. We continue to monitor, but will probably pay the vet a visit in the next day or two if this continues.

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Toby is typically a rambunctious 2 1/2 year old TAG…we can usually depend on him to vocalize constantly in the morning and evening, and insert himself into whatever we are doing in the day.


The last couple of days, we've noticed some changes. He is a lot quieter than usual and has hardly vocalized. He is still quite active playing in his cage, preening, etc. but we notice that he is napping more. He is still eating/drinking normally as far as we can tell (if anything the appetite seems to have increased given the rate he guzzles his pellets). He's also *more* affectionate and angles for head rubs at every chance (something he hasn't done as much in the last 6 months), but he has a few remaining pin feathers from his molt and is probably a lithe uncomfortable. He is pretty active still when we let him out of the cage and will fly around and fly to us.


Is there anything here that sounds worrying? I could be paranoid, but also aware that even small changes in behavior could indicate signs of illness. The lack of vocalization is very unusual and is the part that has me most concerned. Thanks for your thoughts. We continue to monitor, but will probably pay the vet a visit in the next day or two if this continues.



There doesn't seem to be anything seriously wrong. A pre molt, a present molt and a post molt can make a bird edgy, grumpy and definitely more quiet. The napping can be from discomfort or lousy mood or just being a bit more tired. You should know that a grey--CAG or TAG--does go through personality changes as they mature. You should be very happy about the extra affection he's showing. It's also great that his appetite is very good. Coming out of the cage and still being active and flying is a sign that all is well. Many greys have periods when making sounds lessens and then eventually comes back. The llack of vocalizing doesn't warrant a vet visit unless all the other things you mention have been on the downslide which according to what you're saying they aren't but if it'll make you feel better, check in with the vet.

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Thanks Dave...definitely happy about the extra affection. It's just a bit out of character for him! We're used to Toby being a pesky little bugger. :-)



As they get older they can become more outward or inward or just remain the same. Just remember that your present 2 1/2 year old TAG isn't the same as your past 6 mt. old TAG.

He's becoming his own teenager. But everything you say about him sounds like a very well rounded bird. BUT again, if you feel that you wanna see a vet then do it.



Being paranoid can send a person to the insane asylum. Overdosing or Suicide may be a side thought

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We did end up taking Toby to the vet on Monday. His behavior was just off and we wanted to have peace of mind. His initial tests didn't turn up anything definitive but the vet observed him for a few hours and noticed the same thing that we did…some lethargy and an extremely voracious appetite. She suspects that he has some GI tract infection and prescribed anti-fungal and antibiotic medication. Today the CBC showed slightly elevated white blood cell count (which confirms some kind of infection), and we're still awaiting some follow up fecal culture tests. He's only been on medication for a couple of days, but is showing some early signs of getting better (more active/playing/flying, although very little vocalization so far). When he starts acting like a jerk again is when we'll know that he's fully recovered. :-)

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Prayers for you and Toby. You are a wonderful parront, and you did the right thing taking him to the vet. I am sure he will be fine. He is a lucky boy to have someone that doesn't take any chances. Our birds are precious family members--always better safe than sorry.

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Thanks everyone for your good wishes. After being on meds for 3 days, he started vocalizing again, singing and talking about "chicken" and "mushrooms". So he is definitely feeling better, and getting his beak into everything again. He loves his grape flavored anti-fungal medication and probably wish that this could be a permanent treat. 7 more days of meds and he should be all clear of his infection.

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