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Sophie's new word is morning. She is obsessed with it. Everyday, a little more clearer until today. Totally clear. Totally out of context. She usually uses her words appropriately, so I know I need to teach her what it means. It is evening, and she is saying morning.Sean was home last week, and we always say " morning". We are not morning people, so its never good. Just morning.LOL! Nancy

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Sometimes greys just like the sound of a word and redefine its meaning. Sophie probably knows what YOU mean by morning, but she has decided to expand its meaning. Maybe morning just means happiness or activity or whatever (maybe "breakfast"=food). Gracie uses most of her words in context, but certain words she persistently uses out of context. No matter how much I correct her--it never sticks. She has her own definitions and chooses to retain them despite my efforts to educate.

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<snip> . . . Gracie uses most of her words in context, but certain words she persistently uses out of context. No matter how much I correct her--it never sticks. She has her own definitions and chooses to retain them despite my efforts to educate.


Um..Jeff, are you sure you don't mean that no matter how much she corrects you (on her new definition of an English word), it never sticks, despite her best efforts to educate you? :D :D


Nancy, how fun that Sophie has discovered "morning." Can't wait to hear more about how she chooses to use it in the future now that she's got the vocalization down pat. She sure loves it when her buddy is home!

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Sean is coming home every three weeks to continue his flight training. I always ask him if he knows enough that if we were on a 747 and the pilots were incapacitated and the stewardess asked if any one could fly a plane...could he land us safely!!!! He asked me where I get my imagination. LOL!From the movie " airplane", with Karen Black. " Whats that movie about?"he asks. Such a generation or two difference. He still cant land us safely. Bummer.

Sophie is still " morning" it up. She has no clue what it means. It is soooo funny to me, as she knows and uses all her words appropriately. It only makes sense that she needs to learn what it means. LOVE my girl. Nancy

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