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Wing Injury- What to do?


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Hello everyone,

Pearl flew off her cage door onto the floor and must've landed weird. I had her step up and noticed some blood on my finger. At first I thought it was her foot, but after further examination found that it was her wing. One of the larger feathers right around the outside seems to have sort of been bent backwards. I called the vet and used cornstarch to help stop the bleeding. She's cheerful and whistling away, but I'm worried that feather (it's tucked into her wing) is going to pop out from the wing again and start bleeding. I've attached the best pictures I can get. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thank you!







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Nothing I would want to handle..I would be off to the vet and let the professional take care of it. Also I would get piece of mind knowing there wasn't more damage than meets the eye. I have a cockatiel who had trauma to it's wing before I got it on the outside. The flight feathers were never able to grow. HE can no longer fly because of it..

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If you have not done anything, and do decide to pull it, do it fast. Use pliers, if you don't have a hemostat, so you can get a good grip. Pull it hard & quickly, directly outward from the follicle, while holding the base area of the feather securely. Do not jerk her wing. If unsure, or hesitant, have the vet do it.

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It IS best to go to a Vet. But, I've been trained by an excellent Avian Vet, and have worked with many birds in my lifetime. Running a Rescue, you cannot always afford to run to the vet for "minor" problems. It's really not as difficult, or traumatic, as it seems. Often, birds will pull out broken feathers themselves.

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Thanks everyone. I did pull the feather. It was dangling and she kept tucking it back into her wing. Every time she messed with it the bleeding started again. I held her close and securely and yanked it out. She squeaked and it was over. I brought her to the vet yesterday and she's all good! She wasn't even mad at me- I'm sure she knew I was trying to help.

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