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1st time I will own a parrot, getting him this weekend. Long car ride, many question

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I am getting my 1 years old boy this weekend, I am his 1st owner. He was hand raised and when he meet me he had no problem stepping on my hand, he did no aloud me touching anyway.

Anyone can give me an opinion about that? Is he tamed enough for me to get started developing with him a creat and trustful relationship...??

7 hrs ride is it too much for him inside a traveling cwge with a perch?.



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Welcome Danie169. Your description of the first interactions with that grey sound very normal. They will be leery of a new person. The ride will be fine as you described. Just make certain you have some water and food for him in the carrier. Your relationship will build over time as he gets settled in to the new home and become comfortable with you and others that stay there or come and visit.

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Thank you guys!! Every advice is important and very interesting to me. I want to make sure I do everything right, I do think is good to follow my instincts some times, am I wrong??. ; Anyway, the first days I know I won't have any instincts because I am going to be worried about doing everything right so he learns to trust me and accept me.

I do worry about my 2 dogs, not tbat they will hurt him, I won't take any risk! I worry about the anxious energy they will display around him and even against him. My 13 years old Golden Retreiver and my small Maltipoo never had a bird at home;the Goplden Retreiver always saw my 3 sugar gliders as pray, no matter what I did.

I want him to be sure that even if he see an anxious dog who wants him to aproch him, with bad intentions even! Nothing will happen to him and the dog will get in trouble.

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Welcome to the forum. Does your new bird have a name? Is he flighted or clipped? Did he have a DNA test so you know for sure he's a boy? (e've had lots of members here surprised by DNA over the years) On the trip home make a few stops. He may feel more comfortable having a drink or a shack if the car isn't moving. Regarding the dogs, I'm glad to see you're taking the potential risk seriously. A tragedy can happen literally in the blink of an eye. Your grey may be afraid of the dogs, or he may want to make friends - it depends on his personality and how timid he is. Either way, it sounds like you've figured out a way to make sure they're kept separated when your grey is out of his cage. Don't rush your bird to be physically with you right away. Set up his cage (if he comes with his own cage, set it up just like it way in his first home) and let him observe your household from the safety of the cage. Sit by him and talk or read to him so he gets used to your voice. The cage is best set up in a spot where at least one wall is against a wall in the room - in a corner is good too. That way he can see what's going on around him but feels protected as well. Once you get him home and settled in his cage, take some pictures to share with us. We love pictures of each other's birds.

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Thank you so much Acapella for such a helpful linrs! I read very carfully everything you said :).

The breader told ne he was a male, I will ask him if he did a DNA test, I am assuming he did even when he does not have a certificate. The litle guy has a boy! S face anyways :).

I am picking him up tomorrow!!!! Jeeeepeeeeee!!!; his cage is afriving on Monday so I got him today a smaller cage that I will keep too. I got him lots of toys, perches that I will put inside and out side the cage, I got him pellets(sameones the breeder gaves him).. Do you think hr will feel confused when after soending a whole day in a new cage I move him to a different one?

Should I offer him some fruit treats from my hand? Or his too soom?

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How exciting for you! I can't wait to see pics. Greys don't always accept change easily, but they do adapt. Since you are moving him to an entirely new home, I think he will get over the cage switching. As to treats, I wouldn't use fruit. Fruit should not be much of a grey's diet. I would use nuts as your initial treats instead. Offering them with your hand is great assuming he will accept them. Can't wait to hear an update when you get home!

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We brought our older Timneh African Grey (TAG) home on a nine hour car ride. I did arrive with rope perches and fitted her travel cage with those. Since then we have made fifteen hour car rides and she seems most comfortable on the ropes. Booda makes one that is in an X shape but I didn't have that at the time. I just used two ropes and crossed them down low on the bottom of her cage. The ropes help absorb some of the stop and go motion and with an X she can stand on the one that makes her most secure with the movement regardless of which way the cage needs to be oriented to fit in the car. Don't hang any toys that will sway and startle him. Also, don't expect him to eat on the journey because he will likely be too stimulated with all the changes. I make sure there is water, his favorite food from his current home. Carry a water bottle to refill. Even if he is not flighted if there is any reason at all to open his cage, make sure your doors are shut. He will be out of his element and may try to get away. Sometimes Miss Gilbert would be clinging to the bars and when that happened and she didn't get down for a long time, I would pull into a rest area and give her the chance to get back down on her rope on her own.

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