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Alexandra is settling in


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It has been almost two weeks now since we brought Alexandra home and she is settling in nicely. She is still a little clumsy and has a tendancy to slip on smooth perches and end up hanging upside down, but most of the time she can right herself and it has been a few days since she has had a fall.


She is bonding to Caileigh and will jump/fly from me to Caileigh spontaneously whenever given the chance. She is very easy to handle, has learned "step-up" and like being petted. She does not mind being handled and either of us can hold her, lift her wings and touch her head. We are starting to train her to wear a flight harness this week.


We had her wings clipped before we brought her home but plan to let her become flighted at her next molt, once she is familiar with us and the apartment. Even with her wings clipped she can fly a distance of 20 to 25 feet (7 to 8 meters). Because of her tendancy to occasionally fall of her perch we are using the lower level of our finch/canary flight cage (30"x18"x16") as a sleep cage.


She flew down from her perch the other day and had a face-to-face meeting with our Yorkshire Terrier puppy. Pecious is just about the same size as Alexandra and before an human could intervene Alexandra gave her a serious nip on the nose laying down the law on who is boss of the humans.


All our parrots together


Alexandra; Sweet Pea, a Blue Crowned Conure on my shoulder; and Einstein, a Green Cheek Conure.





Alexandra on her perch next to Caileigh's desk




Alexandra posing for the camera




Alexandra playing in her cage



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