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Newbie, needing new Grey Friends

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Hi everyone. My name is Tracy and my fiance and I just got custody of his Grey after not having him for about 3 years. We currently have a Sun Conure and a Green Cheek Conure and the Grey completes our family but there is a lot I don't know about having such an awesome bird. I know I will be searching out these forums and trying to obtain as much information from you all that I can. I want to be a sponge and soak up as many tips that you can give me!

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Welcome. You make it sounds as if you knew this Grey three years ago, did you? I also have a Sun, also a Tiel along with my Grey. I am one of the lucky ones in that my Grey and Sun can be out of cages at the same time. Do your two Conures get along? Looking forward to hearing more about your flock. Pictures are always welcomed.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Yes, my fiance had the bird years ago. He ended up losing him in a split with his ex, where she got the Grey and he got the two conures. He's about 12 years old. His name is Deter. Talks his head off. He really makes me laugh.


The conures get along fine with each other. They were all together years ago and got along and we are hoping they get along now but the Sun Conure is very possessive of my fiance and hates everyone else. I'm worried that he will become more aggressive with Deter in the house now but so far, he's not paying much attention.


We have only had him since Sunday. So far it's going pretty good but it's hard getting used to having him when we have been used to the little guys. It's quite a shock to me!


I will post a picture as soon as I can.



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Ha...he got off better than I did. I lost three of my babies when I was 24 to a divorce, I got them when I was 19: a conure, Blue Front Amazon and a CAG. The ex-wife hit hard times (should have stayed my dear) and had to re-home the BFA and the CAG to my aunt. The BFA died a couple of years ago but the CAG is still going strong. My aunt is pushing 80, I'm pushing 45 and expecting that I will take the CAG back in. Your story is similar to mine.


Glad your babies are all back together again. I know the CAGs never forget. I saw mine after 20 years and she still remembered me. Yours will remember the flock I'm sure. Welcome to the forums.

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Welcome to the forum. Glad to hear things are going well so far. A great thing to do on the forum is to go through and read the 'stickies' at the top of each forum room. They contain basic care and instructions for our greys and are full of great information for a newbie. Just jump in reading and participating in threads and you'll see that this forum is full of members who truly care about each other's birds.

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Welcome! You're off to a great start by already having spent time reading the forums, and landing here in the first place. :) Am glad that Deter is settling in, and will look forward to seeing some photos of the entire flock. Updates are always welcome as Acapella said, we truly take and interest in and care about one another's birds.

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Hello Tracy and welcome to our family.

So glad you have Deter back in your life and I hope it all goes smoothly as he adjust to being with you and your fiance again. I know what you mean about the sun conure only liking your fiancé, my sun only likes me for the most part, she will tolerate my hubby but won't come out of the cage for him.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Deter when you get the chance to share some with us.

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