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Creating a monster

Ray P

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I started this thread the other day and my internet service went down and I lost the complete thread, So I will try again.

I thought I would post this in this room because over many years I have had many species of parrots and I made monsters out of all of them.

When I say monster I don`t mean that in a bad way, Brats may be a better word for this, but I will stay with monsters.

You start out with a baby, or very young bird or a rehome or rescue it dose not make any difference the out come is the same. You want them to like you and you want them to like their new home. So you start out giving them lots of treats attention and love, you go out and buy the best food you can find along with fresh fruits vegetables. You go and buy them some very costly toys and you spend the rest of your spare time making replacement toys so you can save some money so you can eat at the end of the month. A nice new cage that you try and fill with the nice new toys that you bought that they already destroyed so you put in the home made ones.

You go to their cage only to find out half of all that good food you bought them is splattered all over the walls and on the floor all around the cage.

You keep the cage as clean as you can for them with plenty of food and toys and if you make them mad they bite you. Doesn`t that sound just like your kids and you still love them.

Than there is that sweet moment with them that will last for a minute or to and than back to the same old grind.

I am starting to wonder who the smart one is here.

After all that is said and done we all enjoy those moments they give us when they show us how much they care even if just for a moment.

Remember we made them that way

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Oh the time and effort I have expended in the attempt to create the perfect monster. Good one Ray. I can think of no better use of my time. And I think, is this the right cage? Should I try a smaller one so she wants to get out more? And by out, I guess I mean on the floor, getting into trouble and making messes for me to clean up behind her raggedy red tail. My favorite line of all "...and if you make them mad, they bite you". It just made me laugh out loud.

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