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Will become a new owner hopefully and need some advice

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First of all thanks for this wonderful forum. I have been reading lots of the posts here and I surely did learn a lot from and will continue to do so.


I'm about to buy my first CAG from a lady living in TX. "GG" is a 2 year old, and the owner sent me some pictures and a video and she looks very cute. The reason why she wants to let her go is because she is very busy and she is not giving GG enough attention.


Now to the interesting parts where I could use some advice from you if you don't mind.


When I looked at GG's pictures I didn't notice a band on GG's leg and when I asked the lady about it she told me that she got it from a local breeder and she can provide me with his information and she said that she is not really sure if GG is a female, they just assummed that. The owner told me that she never took GG to a vet or had her examine for a DNA to determine GG's sex. The lady said GG's been very healthy and never got sick.


From what I learned it is very important to buy a bird that is banded and not to get one that is not. How true this statement is? Will I be in trouble for buying a CAG that is not banded?


If I decided to get GG, will I be able to band her? what are my options and what do you recommend?


I almost made the deal with this lady and she seems very nice and she turned down many offers because she thought there were not the right people to have them adopt GG.


Thank you in advance, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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HI Max 313. Welcome to the Grey family. I have a TAG and a CAG both breeder breed and unbanded. It is not required here in Washington State. Is it in Texas? Why would you want to band your new grey. Most members believe that bands can get caught on things and have them removed. Go see the grey and see if he/she is one you would like to have as a forever friend. I always took my new parrots to an avian vet to have them "healthy" examined and micro-chipped. To me a pet being micro-chipped is the sure way to make sure your friend is returned to you if they "escape" and a sure way to identify your companion without mistake. Looking forward to going on your new adventure as a new grey companion. Enjoy.

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Where at in Tx? I live in N.Tx.


I wouldn't band the Grey if not already banded. Definitely get the information/paperwork WHILE getting the bird. We have on two occasions been promised paperwork after funds were exchanged and never received anything. One was through a 'rescue' and they flat out lied to us. The second was from the 'breeder' which I'm now led to believe she wasn't really the breeder. If you're contacting someone from the Dallas area, more specifically Mesquite or Forney, contact me privately and we'll see if you're dealing with the same person.


Your story sounds very similar to how we got our Caique. He's a great bird but I have nothing on his background, unbanded etc....

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I bought an eight month old grey from a pet store two months ago. One of the greys the pet store had for sale had a band, one didn't. They both had a "hatch certificate" and a DNA printout. I bought the one without the band. I took her to a vet and he said the band isn't as important as it once was when wild-caught greys were being imported to the US. I wouldn't want a band unless you were planning on taking the bird outside the country.

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Thank you all for your inputs. Actually I wasn't sure if the band was something that is mandatory or required by the law, that's why I asked for your feedback and opinion. I read somewhere; not on this forum, to avoid buying a bird that is not banded because there is a chance that this bird is smuggled or stolen. To be honest with you I don't like the idea of putting a band on a bird because it makes me think like it has chain on its leg and I'm sure it can create some hazards Just like Timbersmom mentioned.


Now regarding the paper work, that is something I wasn't aware of and I will ask the lady if she can provide me with a certificate but I kinda doubt she has any sort of paper work. I could be wrong but my guts tell me that she doesn't.


Will that be a problem if she doesn't have any paperwork or certificate for the CAG.


-LuvParrots: For sure I'm going to take GG to the vet and have her examined and I will ask about the microchip. Any idea how much that cost on average?


-StirlingSL: The lady I'm talking about lives in Fort Worth and she didn't claim to be a breeder but she got GG from a local breeder if I remember correctly.


Once again thank you all for your kind reply and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Have a great day

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Thank you all for your inputs. .......


-LuvParrots: For sure I'm going to take GG to the vet and have her examined and I will ask about the microchip. Any idea how much that cost on average?


I live in Washington State so prices probably differ. I had my parrot wellness checked and microchipped. Over $100 less than $200. It was over three years ago. Things change. You would have to check with your avian vet's prices.

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Are we right in assuming that you live in TX and have personally seen, or are going to see the bird before you exchange any money with the lady? Just making sure, as there are a lot of scammers out there. I wrote up a Bill of Sale when we purchased Inara from her former people, and even having written into it that we would be provided with all paperwork, vet records, etc. we still six months later are waiting for her DNA certificate and vet records from them. I should have held back some of the purchase price when when they delivered her to us (after we had met her, gone home, slept on the decision, then decided to purchase her) with only a scrawled paper that they received from the breeder, so that they would have had to send the rest of the paperwork to get the full purchase price.


I insisted on writing up a formal bill of sale, because we exchanged a lot of money, and I wanted to ensure that there was a paper trail that did match Inara's band number. Thanks for this thread, as it reminds me to phone and haunt her original people for the last of her paperwork. :)


Congratulations, and can't wait to see photos and learn more about your new companion.

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Hi Inara..


Actually I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but I'm planning to drive to Fort Worth to see GG and pick her up.


Now as far as paper work, like I said I don't know if the current owner has those on hand or not but definitely I will ask her to sign a bill of sale.


In case she doesn't obtain this certificate or paper, what are my options at this point?


Any word of advice is greatly appreciated.

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Hi Inara..


Actually I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but I'm planning to drive to Fort Worth to see GG and pick her up.


Now as far as paper work, like I said I don't know if the current owner has those on hand or not but definitely I will ask her to sign a bill of sale.


In case she doesn't obtain this certificate or paper, what are my options at this point?


Any word of advice is greatly appreciated.


I made sure I had a bill of sale from each of the breeders of my to greys and prior owner on my zon. I also have records of their micro-chips and avian vet visits. The micro-chips are also registered with HomeAgain.

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A bill of sale I would say most definitely get, old papers would be nice to have but if she doesn't have any oh well. If you and GG are a good match papers won't matter. I am in the ft worth area. If you need any help just let me know. I volunteer with a local sanctuary and I have a made a few good connections in the bird world lately, lol.

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Thank you guys for all your replies, I have already prepared a bill of sale.


- Murfchck : Thanks for offering your help and support, I will keep that in mind. I know my best friend is also thinking about getting a CAG, maybe you can hook us up lol.

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Just out of curiosity, why is this lady getting rid of GG? It is good to hear she is being selective to whom she lets him/her go to and it's not just about the first $$$$ take him/her. One tip, if you do decide to take GG, get all the information you can in the diet, favorite treats, words and phrases that are known and familiar, toys that are liked and any things that may be feared. As others have already said, not having a band is no big deal. I hope this all goes well for you and looked forward to hearing how this all works out. :)

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Just out of curiosity, why is this lady getting rid of GG? It is good to hear she is being selective to whom she lets him/her go to and it's not just about the first $$$$ take him/her. One tip, if you do decide to take GG, get all the information you can in the diet, favorite treats, words and phrases that are known and familiar, toys that are liked and any things that may be feared. As others have already said, not having a band is no big deal. I hope this all goes well for you and looked forward to hearing how this all works out. :)


When I spoke to the lady on the phone she said that GG is not getting enough attention and they have other pets at home, "Two Dogs and a Cat" she works long hours and GG is more bonded to her and her kids don't pay much attention to GG.


Thanks for the tips by the way. I have asked some of these questions already as far as diet and favorite treats, etc.. GG is a quite talker too and the lady was nice enough to offer me GG's cage and its huge, I don't think I will be able to fit it in my car. I told her I will be more interested if I can have GG's toys because she has a lot :)

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That sounds very good Max. Heck, if your positive your going to get GG (Which I suspect you are) I would just go rent a pick up so the cage could come with you as well. I guarantee you, GG is used to that cage and having something close and personal like their cage really helps in making them feel more secure than if they are thrown not only in to a new home, but also a different cage. Greys for the most part do not handle change very well. That cage with toys GG loves would really help in the transition period and give him/her a "Safe Place" to stay in and go to when he/she may feel vulnerable or frightened.

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I agree with Dan, if you can borrow or rent a vehicle big enough to transport her cage, and then set it up at your place just like it was at her old one, it will do a lot to make her feel safer and more secure. Take a picture befor it's disasembled, and then put it together the same way. What are you going to transport her in? Just talk to her while enroute - tell her where you're going and why, tell her about your home and how much you're looking forward to sharing your home with her. Get her used to your voice and start building trust. Having one of these guys in your life will change it forever. Let us know how the homecoming goes.

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Hi guys.. Again thank you for all your kind words and advice about the cage.. Lucky enough i was texting the lady to ask her about GG and somehow she told me again that I can have the cage and a gym. I couldn't resist this time and I told her yes I would love to. She gave me the dimensions and I asked my friend if I can use his truck and he didn't mind. So like you said hopefully this will help GG feel safer.



And to answer your question Acappella.. I was thinking a sort of pet carrier that is big enough to fit her in and put a towel and a bowl of food and water and try to secure it. I will try to make it as comfortable as possible. If you have any suggestions please let me know.


Dan and Acappella.. Thank you guys for all your feedback and support.. Once I get GG home I will post you some pictures.


Have a great evening all.

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