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Anyone live in Seattle WA?


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There is a cage there I want to buy, but I'm in CA and can't get anyone up there until this weekend. But I would like for the cage to get out of the guys house so he doesn't sell it... Just seeing if anyone here would be willing to pick up and hold for me until the weekend??

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I found out my dad has a cousin who live a few miles away! He is going tomorrow to get the cage for me. Now I have time to think about how to get it to me. I'm so happy! Well, I don't actually have it yet... It's a very large expandable habitats cage:D when I do get it, I will definitely post a new thread about it! I hope I don't jinx myself by posting this before the cage is bought.

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It's stainless, if it gets here tonight, I'll be spending the day tomorrow disinfecting it. I know it's missing some parts so I'll have to order those too. I got such an incredible deal though, I couldn't pass it up, even with the missing parts and how nasty it was. My dad's cousin power washed it and said it cleaned up nicely. :)

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Your dad's cousin is a treasure. This would be an incredible aviary and will last you forever. Disinfecting and assembling will be a challenge and adventure. You will find just the right spot for it and have happy use from it as you create a living space for a very lucky parrot.

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Thanks. It won't be ready to use until next week sometime. My grey is usually pretty good about new things, but I will bring the cage in and let him see it for a day or two or three, depending on how he reacts.

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