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Camping with a parrot


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We went camping this past weekend and took out grey baby with us. She did very well. The campground was only a 30 minute drive away. We stayed in a 28 foot travel trailer. She didn't seem to like the travel cage all that much, but did enjoy spending some time outdoors and meeting a few new people. She seemed to realize she was outside and screamed very loudly at the blue jays. We were only gone for two days. She was very happy to get home to her regular cage.

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Our parrots love to travel with us. On one trip Corky traveled 7,500 miles with us down the east cost to Florida, across the southern U.S to Arizona and through the mid west and back to Ohio. At that time we had a 33` motor home and she loved being with us and enjoyed the trip as much as we did. She has been allover the U.S. with us.

When Cricket came to us she joined right in on the fun. Tent camping, motels, hotels, friends homes, relatives homes along with traveling in our cars, trucks and SUVs

Our birds have never been away from us not even for one night.


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Wherever you go, your grey would much rather be with you than to stay at home. As time goes by, your grey will soon readily be asking to go with you and jump right in the travel cage or pak-o-bird etc. It is natural flock behavior to always stay together. :)

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