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Pet_lover from Pakistan

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I am new on this forum. I found greyforums through Google. I bought a Green baby Parrot three years back. We hand fed it and today it is like a family member. I always wanted an African Grey, but the prices here are very high for a salaried person like me :) About three months back I adopted a Grey from one of my cousins. I am not sure about it age or sex, but I think its young. I want to learn more about greys so that I can take good acre of him/her. :)


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Hi Pet_lover and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion.

What is your new greys name and we love pictures.

You said you have a green parrot, what kind is it and what`s its name.

All parrots are welcome here.

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Many thanks Ray P, Timbersmom and luvparrots for the warm welcome.

The green parrot is a local breed called and Ringneck. It is all green and has a red collar on its neck. We call him , "Too Too". That's because my youngest son who was just 2 called him "Too Too" so we named him/her Too Too. The Grey, we call him/her "Papoo". Again a name given by my youngest son about 2 months back. "Papoo" in the local language means Cute. Lol.


Please see the pics


IMAG0143_zpsa1222da3.jpg That's Too Too when he was a few weeks old.



Too Too today! Ain't he cute?



Meet my friend Papoo! Right now he's very shy and afraid of me. But he is accepting food from my hand without opening his cage door. If I open his cage door, he gets alarmed and on putting my hand inside the cage (to clean it) he gets mad and makes a lot of noise. I am presently going through the forum just to arm myself with knowledge. I think this baby is going to take time to win my trust. But I am in no hurry, just taking it easy.


Thanks a lot :)

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Welcome, they are both cuties. As you have read by now, Greys have thier own time line and what is a month to us is just days for them so slow and steady. Your hand in his cage, which is his safe zone, is like a total stranger just walking into our house rearranging things and chashing us around. Just leave the door open and he will come out to explore sooner or later. Change his cage from the bottom grate and only put your hands in necessary. If the cage is the correct size, he will be fine until he is ready to come out, remember that the cage needs to be large enough for him to spread his wings out and flap for exercise. Papoo and your hands will thank you! Congrats on your new family member!

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Too Too and Papoo are beautiful, and what sweet names your son gave to them :) Welcome to you and your flock. We'll all be looking forward to more photos and updates as you continue your adventures with your wonderful companions. Yes, definitely take a look at cage size. If the cage is too small, your hand can be very big and scary because it may feel crowded to Papoo, and he might feel as if he can't back away, and therefore tries to bite from fear. Also, is that wire the only perch that he has in his cage? If so, you will want to find a perch where his little feet can rest better upon it -- something (a non-toxic branch from a tree, or a wooden dowel, or one of the many of the commercial perches on the market if you can get them in Pakistan) where his feet don't wrap all the way around it. The lack of proper perches in a variety of sizes can contribute to serious foot damage and problems later. Check out our "Show us your cage" thread for some great ideas, as well as the homemade toy thread here in the forums. :)


How wonderful that you've found each other, and over time your bond will grow as trust continues to develop. We're all cheering for you!

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Hello Pet Lover and welcome to our family.

Thanks for sharing some pictures of Too Too and Papoo, they are both adorable and I just love ringnecks especially the males for they are the ones with the distinct black ring.

Just give Papoo plenty of time and be very patient with him as he settles into his new home, as others have said grey time is slow and it takes them quite a while to feel comfortable so let him make the decision when he is ready for interaction for you have to earn his trust. Many greys can be territorial about their cages so do not stick your hand inside unless absolutely necessary, let him come out on his own and then offer for him to step up but if he backs off then respect his decision and try again later.

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Your parrots are lovely. TooToo looks very comfortable out of his cage. Papoo will watch and learn from him to trust you. I saw on another thread that you got some dowel perches for Papoo and are making changes to his cage. Judy is so right that it takes time for him to feel safe with you and to come out on his own. We have taken three years with our rehomed Timneh African Grey (TAG), she looks a lot like your Papoo but her tail feathers are dark where his are brighter and more colorful. Ours like pine nuts for a treat. I once got the kind in a hard shell and she didn't know what to do with them, so I get them at the grocery store for humans. If you have small bits of paper to wrap up a few so he could learn to play with the paper, he might like that.

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Welcome aboard, glad to meet you here really. This GreyCenter is in every way a creative discussion board that has an incredible attraction to its regular comers to it, and it surely seems to all of us that this is a amiable place to have our most desired bliss; now anyway, itchen Granite Counter Tops Hartford CT is a neat URL for visiting for a loved moment while for all for a period of great recreation to refresh our inner health to accelerate our further actions next time; good luck for our awesome parrots, happy Grey parrot center petting for all of us, see you next time here.

Edited by parrotnme
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Many thanks, parrotnme and Katana600. Just yesterday I opened the cage door and left the room. 5 minutes later I peeked in to the room to find him exploring the surroundings. I think its a good start. He loves apples and takes from my hand. But so far hasn't allowed me to touch him.

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It may be a long time before you can touch him. Heck, my Dorian has been with me for 7years, and touching is still very much on his terms. They take a long time to trust, even longer if there was some abuse before papoo came to live with you. The two most important jobs you have right now are 1. to start building trust and 2. to improve his cage (from your picture his cage doesn't look like a proper grey cage). For trust, just let him observe you with TooToo. Have his cage in a spot in your house where he can see what's going on, but where at least one cage wall is against a wall so he doesn't feel overly vulnerable. Talk to him constantly and tell him what you are doing and why. Don't try to push him into the new cage. Assemble it in view of him and them slowly, probably over a course of days, move it closer to his existing cage. If he shows sighs of fear move it back again. When it's close enough, use a perch to connect the two cages and then give him the time to make his own decision to explore the new cage. (Hint: if he has a favourite treat let him see you put some in the new cage food dishes.). As you respect his space and earn his trust you'll start to see his true personality emerge. He may test you with some unwanted behaviour. Many re-homes come with some baggage; emotional damage from prior abuse, even grieving for his old home. Just be patient and come here with any questions or concerns and we'll walk you through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been talking to Papoo. I just sit near his cage and do the talking and feeding him with my hand. He's shy but accepts sun flower seeds and apple. I open his cage door and leave him alone , he slips out and explores the no more than two feet area. Normally climbs on the cage and sits there. But day before yesterday he walked all the way to our TV Room and sat 2 feet away from us all. Walking form one room to another certainly shows he wants to explore and is gaining confidence. He sat in the room for half an hour. Touching is still a no no. I tried to pat him on the head but he would not let me. This so far has been the biggest gesture of being friendly. I am happy for this new development. Let's hope he lets me touch him soon. :D


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