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Warm Food

Brat Birds

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Miss Gilbert has been partial to her warm bean and grain mix with red palm oil. She previously has turned away the sweet potato mash, sweet potato with peanut butter, banana etc. and she has dissed the warm oatmeal, but she is suddenly obsessed with the oatmeal, so we are looking to try some new warm "fixin's".

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HRH Inara loves warm sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, black and red beans with Louisiana hot sauce on them, and used to love a warm mash that I made for her which she now turns her nose up whenever offered. Her very very favorite that elicits much clucking and "Oh boy!"s is her morning breakfast of either an organic flax seed or hemp seed multigrain waffle with just a skimmer of red palm oil and warmed tropical fruit puree on it. She also likes it when I put tiny bits of almond, brazil nut, and various bits of fruit and veggies into the waffle "traps." She looks forward to breakfast every morning. She eats the top of the waffle, leaving a complete other waffle on the reverse side -- which our dog patiently awaits.

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Breezy loves oatmeal.


I never had a parrot before and I am trying to get all the information I can tomake a successful first xays with us. I read they lo e warm liquid diet even if they are not little babies any more. Mine is 1 year old.

Do you cook the oat meal? How long??



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Yes, you just cook the oatmeal as you would if you were making it for yourself. When you feed something warm, make sure it has cooled enough. Things that are too hot can result in a burn to the crop. When I am feeding Timber something warm, I make sure it is barely above my body temperature. Be sure to look at the sticky's for the list of "do not feeds" for your baby. There are things such as avocado, chocolate, etc. that you cannot feed your bird at all. As Ray said, expected for the prohibited list, most of us give a birds a little of the stuff we are eating at mealtimes. You will have to experiment to see what your bird likes and doesn't like. They are as individual in their tastes as people are. My TAG, for instance, will not eat oatmeal. Some greys love it. He will eat a lot of other things warm, and loves being spoon fed.

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Warm oatmeal (no salt or sugars), warm mashed potato- sweet or white, warm rice, warm birdy bread and warm scrambled eggs. These work for all of the flock. I sometimes make them an omelet with finely minced veggies and a little shredded cheese. I love that waffle idea mine do enjoy a warm pancake.

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Gracie has taken to warm oatmeal quite nicely. In fact, last night I had to resort to heating some up to get her back into her cage. Keto turns his nose up at almost every vegetable or grain I offer. He takes a few pellets, and loves his seedies and the nut I give him every day, but I cannot get him to take most other foodstuffs. Neither likes cooked sweet potato, but Gracie will eat raw strips of it (which Keto will play with, if not eat.

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