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Today we had a contractor in the house, Miss Gilbert didn't want to eat her morning oatmeal. This evening, she apparently still had it on her mind. She asked for a cracker, asked for a treat. David gave her a pine nut, and she nipped him. After about a half hour she was still asking. I realized she was wanting some oatmeal and she had heard him heat something in the microwave that made her think of it. She was frustrated at how thick we were not to get it for her so when she saw me coming with the familiar bowl and spoon, she was swaying and her eyes were pinning wildly. I have never seen this with her. She ate with such enjoyment, making smacking sounds. Once, the bowl touched the door of her cage where she was standing and for just a second she looked like she might run away. I stepped back and for the first time ever, she stepped forward and leaned to come to me from her cage. The best part was yet to come. She finished eating and was doing a strange stretch and "yawn" look. Her face was messy with oatmeal. Then, she looked almost like she was choking, she stuck her tongue WAY out, and she "licked" the outside of the tip of her beak. I had no idea her tongue would go that way. I was grinning at her and she gave a satisfied little chuckle, and our moment in the sun was finished.

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I agree with everyone above! I love my mornings when I have oatmeal, and Bailey climbs onto the rim of the bowl, and helps himself to breakfast. He eats probably about a tablespoon of oatmeal with any combination of berries: blueberries, raspberries, goji berries, cranberries, dried cherries, currants, raisins, sultanas, whatever. He also likes coffee. He gets a tiny bit of his own, less than a teaspoon of decaf. It's so much fun watching him enjoy himself, also making lip smacking sounds.

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What a wonderful mental image you have provided of GilGirls enjoyment of that last bit of Oatmeal on her beak as she carefully glided that tongue around it. Moments like those are forever remembered. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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This has been such an amazing journey and I think we reached a minor pinnacle here and have a way to go in some respects and a lot to be grateful to have earned. Since Miss Gilbert had oatmeal one evening she has decided it should be a twice daily event. Last night as we were shutting off lights and she was joyfully exhorting it was time to go night night, she then asked me for a treat. I knew what she wanted and couldn't resist. I made her a nice warm bowl of oatmeal and was so richly rewarded. Not only did she rush out, wings outstretched and happy, her face turned red. I have not seen that since we had Juno in his early weeks. It would be nice if I could maintain the illusion that she wanted to see me, but I know the oatmeal is now her currency and will use that to build trust and let her know she can get what she wants by asking. There was a moment, just a moment where she was so close to me that I could smell her fresh linen scent and I almost wanted to reach out and touch her but she does have her boundaries. LOL. I just so enjoyed the newness of the rapid eye pinning and posturing and little pink face. I am not permitted to speak while she is gulping and slurping her oatmeal or she stops short, puts the stinkeye on me and walks away. You know I can barely contain myself and I asked "is that good?" and she stopped and gave me the walk. I stood very still and she couldn't resist coming back for another bite. It's awesome and inspiring and I know we are changing and breaking ground for a better future together.

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