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Greys as comedians


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Do your companions make jokes? Seriously.


HRH has two distinct personal jokes. After she learned to mimic laughter, she began to use it consistently when appropriate, and has now generalized that to her own sense of humor, or so it appears.


Inara can say "water," very easily and knows exactly what it is. She uses the word water for the water in her dishes, i.e., "get the water." However, she uses a distinctive sound for water that comes out of the faucet and the same sound for when she is playing out of her cage and wants to go back for a drink.


There are two water dishes in her cage. One she prefers to drink from, and one she prefers to bathe in. I change the water in each in the morning and in the evening (or other times if I see that it needs it). The conversation always goes, "Time to change the water in your dishes." And as I pick up each dish I'll say, "One water," then 'Two waters. You have two waters." She likes to ride on my shoulder to the kitchen to supervise the changing of the water.


One morning, during this process, as I turned on the filter for the water, Inara made the "faucet water/drink" sound once, then again (total of two waters) and then started laughing like crazy! Then looking at me until I laughed too, although I admit I still do not get the joke. She continues with the joke daily, and it appears to delight her.


Joke number two was much easier to understand and was really quite clever. Inara makes a certain sound for "yum" when she really likes the way something tastes. Recently she was playing on her play perch which has a piece of cardboard tubing on one of the upright posts. She loves to chew on this. One day while chewing on it, she stopped, looked over at me, and said her word for "yum," then laughed and laughed. Very much like our version of saying, "Yum, this cardboard is delicious -- not!"


I'd love to hear about other jokesters whether verbally or just physical/sound jokes, or appropriately joining in with laughter in situations.

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I have to say that my 2 1/2year old CAG Gracie has a wicked sense humor--but it tends to be at the expense of others.


I have a friend, Pam, who Gracie knows well. Pam dislikes another friend of mine--Lorne--and Gracie KNOWS that. Whenever Gracie talks about Lorne, Pam says=="No, Lorne is bad!" Well--when I was treated to a birthday party this past weekend, several friends and family members were there. Gracie knows all their names and greets them accordingly. Pam was there (Lorne wasn't). Pam came over to greet Gracie--Gracie looked at her and said, "Gracie wanna see Lorne!" Later Gracie called out. "Where's Pam?" Pam rushed over to Gracie, and Gracie said, "Gracie wanna talk to Lorne!" She loves the reaction she gets when Pam fumes. It is very calculated.


She also plays a game with my mother. She calls to my mother, and then when my Mom engages her, Gracie says "What do YOU want?" and tries to nip at her. Gracie says it with such withering distain, like my mom is a bad smell in her beak. She really does love my mother--but she especially loves the reaction she gets when she eyes my mom and says "What do YOU want? My mom takes it all in stride (unlike Pam).


Another thing that puts me in stitches is when Gracie scolds me for disturbing her sleep. Sometimes late at night ,after I have put Gracie to bed, I make unintentional noise. Last week I bumped a lamp passing by her cage at 1 AM. After the noise, I heard an irritated voice: "AH! Ah! . Bad! Gracie Go Nights Nights! Sleepy Time!".


She makes me laugh--even when she is pissed off. It is really something.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Radar leaned over in the direction of my Orange wing and said, "Hey Echo! Who's the pretty boy now? Hahahaha!"

The kids have taught him to laugh evil like "Muhahaha" The other day he said, "Muhahahaha.. .mommmmmmmm" He sounded so evil and creepy!


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