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Treats for training?


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When you feed her a varied diet you will soon figure out what she likes the most and save that for training purposes, some like a particular type of nut or some other food. For my grey I could use cheddar cheese as she would do most anything for it.

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HRH Inara loves me squealing, "Fantastico!" for things that she already knows how to do, followed by a kiss on the beak. For new things, nearly microscopic bits of cheddar shreds. I swear that she can spot a weensy microdot of cheese from two miles away! It is reserved for training only and winds up amounting to about 2 shreds total, as I know they're not equipped to naturally digest dairy -- but she also, would sell her soul for it. :)

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You also can train without treats, and just use your phrase " fantastico". I give Sophie cheese treats, but honestly,I don't use treats to train her. I just give her praise on any of her accomplishments. She knows when I am pleased, and she gives a certain " squack", when she is proud of herself. I guess I am old school. Nancy

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