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If your grey is an adult and your husband is also petting her in the wrong places like under the wings, lower breast, around vent area, she's getting sexually stimulated. If that's what's going on, it's best to not touch those areas. Lack of sexual satisfaction might make her bite.

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The weird thing is that he doesn't have to touch her at all. She just sits on his shoulder making noise's like a whinning dog. I play with her more than he does and she normally bits me and gets aggressive with me. He will put her on his shoulder and she will put her head down so he can pet her neck and she is very nice to him. If I try to pet her neck she fights me. She is 2 years old.


You guys are the best! I have so many question all the time about this amazing bird. Everytime I do I know if I come here it will be answered.


Thanks again :)

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She is still too young to be sexually mature so she just prefers your husband to you and you will just have to settle for that because they make up their own minds. Sometimes later they can change their favorite person but I would not count on it. Just enjoy what she will allow from you and hope she eventually allows more attention from you.


I notice you have not introduced yourself in the welcome room, why don't you do that and tell us some more about yourself and your grey.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/10/31 18:35

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