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Holland bans hand rearing.


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Good news. I hope other countries follow suit. Parrots have been rearing parrot babies without "help" from humans for millions of years. If they hadn't worked out how to do it by now there would be no parrots!




Steve n Misty



Yes, parrots have be successfuly reared by parents in the wild for a million years and the chicks stayed wild. It has nothing to do with captive birds.



I assume that this new law only applies to pet shops that are selling birds that are still being formula fed along with solid food? If not, who is to control what happens to people in their homes who take chicks away from parents and then continue the practice of exclusively hand feeding birds until the birds are weaned? The only way the law will work out there is if government is allowed to invade people's private residences whenever they want. In the US, that's against the law to do that unless animal abuse is actually going on and that usually applies to dogs. cats and other 4 legged animals. Another thing----it's sometimes very difficult to get some new young birds to get used to human beings ( potential buyers) after being with the parents for a long period of time. ( Often, aggression is starting with the chicks.) I know this as an absolute fact. I've gone thru this many, many times. I've sold parrots that were exclusively hand fed by me from very early ages and none of those chicks ever suffered mental or physical problems. It should be the breeder's decision as to when a young bird should be exclusively hand fed by the owners of the chick. The most secure and healthful way to achieve healthy birds is for the birds are completely weaned before selling which is mostly accomplished in a private breeder's home. That's why people say to seek out a private breeder as opposed to pet shop birds when desiring to buy a parrot. Things can be seen up close.

The much more sensible and practical way to go is what they do in the UK----plain and simple----it's against the law to sell unweaned or pre weaned birds. It has nothing to do with how long the chicks actually stay with the parents. I think the better path to go is what the UK does. That's the rule that should be inforced in many countries.

I do know that if government decided or insisted that they can just come in my house to see the breeders and chicks, they'd better be ready for a big lawsuit and a very angry aggressive dog that will growl or even bite intruders if I tell him to do it.



Obviously, you can see that I'm anti government in many, many things they do when it comes to what they do no matter what the subject is.

Edited by Dave007
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I agree Dave, not selling unweaned babies is the way to go. That said, I wouldn't have Peanut if that law were in effect eight years ago. LOL Just because it works sometimes doesn't make it right! I wish people had a bit of common sense anymore.

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I can only speak of my relationship with my CAG Gracie, but I am supportive of this decision to at least reconsider hand rearing. My CAG stayed with her parents for 9 weeks before she was pulled. She was basically weaned by that time, but the breeder did handle her and feed her for a few more weeks. She was eating pellets and veggies right away but still accepted formula. Some research does indicate that such birds fare better long term. They may not be as cuddly initially, but they are less likely to pluck, have phobic behavior, or bond inappropriately with their owners as mates. Gracie is not cuddly--never has been--but we have a wonderful balanced loving relationship as friends. Because of her time being parent raised--she knows she is a bird and not a human. This sets us up in our relationship as equals. At first I worried that her extended time with her parents would make her less connected to me. For many months I was unsure that we would connect. But when things changed--they changed in a big way, and now I am thankful that she was at least mostly parent raised. The article below supports this premise.




Edited by JeffNOK
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There are some pros and some cons to both situations. Here is a very good scientific journal article that spells them out, with tube feeding being the worst-case scenario for later pathology. Spoon/pipette/syringe feeding did not appear to be a major contributor to later-life aggression toward humans issue. Other issues are covered: repetitive behaviors, begging behaviors, one-person behaviors, plucking etc. The number of subjects was 106 and various Chi-square and mulitivariate analyses were used to find whether or not there were actual statistical significant differences between groups.

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Obviously, you can see that I'm anti government in many, many things they do when it comes to what they do no matter what the subject is.

Me too Dave and I agree that I would rather they follow like the UK and ban the selling of unweaned birds.

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