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Hi Darla, welcome aboard, hope you enjoy your stay in this forum. The Grey Forums Avenue is in all the aspects a very extra superb petting discussion stage that has a really incredible appeal to its regular comers to it, and it surely seems to all of us that this is a beautiful platform to have our most desired happiness; now anyway, elumacigs is a clean site for roaminging for a loved moment while for all for a period of great pleasures to refresh our inner mind to accelerate our further actions next time; good luck for our awesome and good parrots for all of us, see you all next time, keeping fine for all.

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Wingnut4772... stop doubting yourself! I knew NOTHING about a Grey when I first adopted her.They are like kids, and follow the same pattern of human children. I realized that quickly and set goals and expectations for her. I DO know... I would have trouble with a cockatoo, as they tend to " shred", with their beak... a grey clamps down. The only bite I ever got from Sophie, I had to squeeze my finger for the blood flow. My feelings were hurt! Nancy

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Timeout with you... is the goal! Beautiful baby... spoil her and let her know how precious she is. She will tell you soon, how beautiful she is, and she MEANS it! Sean, my son was home, we were watching a movie together, they had a conversation going on. He asked her " do you know what vanity means?"LOL! Sophie LOVES herself, and I LOVE that she loves herself. Nancy

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Oh for crying out loud. Spending a lot of time doesn't spoil your bird, it builds a strong bond. Just be sure to pass your little guy off to others a lot so he socializes well, and make sure to give him plenty of time in his cage/home during the day so that he can rest and have private time to himself. This way he will learn to entertain himself when you are busy or not home. Keep to a general schedule of in and out times but don't be rigid. Just establish a rhythm to his days and you and he will both benefit in the long run with a healthy, bonded relationship. Make sure he gets plenty of sleep, even if you're tempted to keep him up late to hang with you. Sleep is important for health and temperament. You're doing great! Trust your instincts, and above all E N J O Y ! :)

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I think Marco totally is adapted to my schedule and she knows even if Im home later then usual, she still gets to come out of her cage before bedtime to spend time with me as well as playing in her toy box etc. I dont think there is such a thing as spoiling them to much tho, the HUGE tote of toys I have for her in the other room might suggest otherwise :eek:

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