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need help plz on baby parrot


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im new to haveing a african grey parrot i got him 2 days ago and he is 12 wk old.i put him in is cage to begin wiv and he was fine he still is wen i hold him it wen i go to get him out of the cage all of his feathers blow up and he goes to bite me i think lol why is this can any one help thanks nicola

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What he's doing when fluffing up is that he's giving a warning sign that he will bite. It's called 'body language. Since you've had your grey for just 2 days, you might wanna consider setting yourself and your bird up. This info might help you-------


1------It is important to be patient, gentle and considerate of your new parrot. He doesn't know you. He is in a strange place with strangers. He will undergo a brief grieving period. He has lost all that was familiar and loved - the other babies he played with and his beloved and trusted caregiver.


2-------He may be cautious. He may be watchful. He will want to learn the lay of the land. He will need to adjust to other birds (if any) and other companion animals you may have. Because of careful early management by your thoughtfully chosen breeder, he will be inclined toward acceptance, but don't assume it. A bird is not a domesticated companion animal and his trust and love must be earned by all who wish to have a satisfactory relationship with him.


3-------The adjustment period should last about three weeks. Be patient. Don't rush him. He doesn't know how loved he is and how anxiously awaited he was. Hold down the excitement. Be calm. Allow him time. Let him explore the cage and become familiar with it. The toys will be new and exciting and he will want to check them out.



When you bring your parrot home, although the temptation is great, it's not a good idea to be handling him for a day or two until he/she feels good about that new cage and it's contents. Lots of gentle talking though. Everything else ahead of the bird is also going to be new and learning about them in a relaxed state is best accomplished from the security of it's own cage and no time limits should be placed on any parrot when anything should be accomplished. All parrots are different from each other.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/31 01:55

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""""""will he stop doing this """"""


All parrots,no matter what species, bite. It's their nature and it's natural. Not all of the time though. Keep your kids away from the bird until it's settled into the house which might take a couple of weeks. Some greys are nervous around kids. Let the kids talk to him but not touch him.


"""""will he keep doin it """"""""'


Any well adjusted parrot doesn't bite for no reason, but there are times that they wanna be left alone just like us people. If my wife wants me to rake the leaves, I let her know she's bothering me. My annoyed look on my face is my *body language*. The only difference is that I don't bite her.

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MrSpock wrote:

If my wife wants me to rake the leaves, I let her know she's bothering me. My annoyed look on my face is my *body language*. The only difference is that I don't bite her.


And thank God for that Dave.


Dave has given you some excellent advice, please take this to heart for it is the best you will hear and Dave knows his birds, his word is worth its weight in gold around here.

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When my grey bites it doesn't hurt...he ether is just giving the "I'm warning you" nips or just doesn't know that he can bite harder.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I would keep the kids away for sure because an adult can stay cool during a bite but kids will go Ape...and that could cause harder bites and more of them in the future...and I have heard of a few ER trips from bites before, so you don't want him getting "trained" to bite.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/31 15:51

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my grey bites me from time to time only a little nip , but i have been given him a sturn "NO" and he seems to cop on to it thank god .But i will not allow him near the kids as i have 2 small kids who adore him and even try to rub him when hes out but i know from the birds reaction that he doesnt take to the kids very well as they can be noisy and the bird doesnt seem to like lots of noise when hes out of the cage ,hes fine inside the cage because he knows he is safe its his kingdom .

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You are so right to do that in keeping the small kids away from your grey, I know they want to pet him so bad but he can bite so bad and really hurt a small child. Most greys do not like small children for that very reason that they are so loud and quick, greys don't take to that too kindly. I keep my grandkids away from Josey as I have already had one of my granddaughters get bitten by my sun conure on her lip. Sunny does not like her for some reason and she will go after her if she gets anywhere close to her.

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Hi and welcome to the gr8 forum:laugh:

When my Chaco bites, yes, it hurts and I bleed!!

But I still love her alot!:blush:


Your baby grey is prob'ly still at a loss in a new ambience and some needs more time to get adjusted than others.


Don't be so afraid or otherwise your baby grey feels what's within your heart and mind.


Be happy:whistle:


:cheer: Rikki and Chaco

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