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my new 12wk old african grey i need help


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i have ust bought a baby african grey he is 12 wk ols and i have had him 2 days although he is ok up to now when am holding him its wen i go to get him out of his cage all of his feathers blow up and he goes to bite .why is this and will he stop it

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Nicky you are expecting too much of a grey that you have only had for 2 days, it takes time to build trust and bond with your bird. Give it plenty of time and don't rush things, that is why he is biting, you are pushing too hard too soon. Let him settle down some and then take it easy and let him warm up to you, he will if you don't force it.


If he does go to bite don't pull back or yell at him for it will only reinforce him to continue it for the reaction he gets, soon he will find out that no reaction gets him nowhere and he will stop it.


Keep us informed as to how it goes with him.

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Greetings Nicky,


Feather fluffing and biting are ways the bird communicates. Take it slow, learn to read the birds body language and build trust. A 12 WK old bird is quite young and only having him for 2 days everything is VERY NEW to the bird. He is scared. He just came from whatever it was he knew as home and is now in a new place with a new owner. He must learn to trust you.


It is not clear how much research you may have done as a new grey owner, but we hope to be able to help you along the way in any case. Much like human children they will go through development satges over many years of their lives and present different challenges along the way. You must prepare yourself for a patient approach to things and do not expect instant change/gratification. Never react out of anger or punishment. Reward good behavior and ignore/discourage bad.


Greys are amazing animals that are long lived. You need to have a stable, consistent and loving approach. Do this and you will both be rewarded with a successful and amazing relationship for life. ;) B)


We look forward to hearing more from you.

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thankyou for that advise i havent done that much research ive just always wanted one they are lovely birds.is saying no to him a good thing could you let me no.i give hime some food this morning so i could bond with him and he was fine but after i put him bak in his cage and come away then later went bak and put my hand in he just went to peck me not hard though and he was makeing little noises. i just dont want him to become to protective of his cage and i would love him to want to be handled. as i have never had a bird like this before thankyou for the advise get bak to me nicola

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Personally, I rarely put my hand in Klaus's cage when he's in it. If I want him out, I open the door and he comes out. I'm sure after your bird has time to adjust to new surroundings, he will do the same. Hopefully your cage has a slide-out bottom and little doors for food & water so you can do cleaning, watering & feeding without disturbing him too much.

Patience is key here. Two days is not very long at all!

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Yes, the others give good advice. He is quite young, scared, and needs reassurance. Please give him lots of time to adjust to his new world that he yet knows anything about. He is scared, and needs plenty of love and patience. Our grey was 8 1/2 weeks when we got her, so I know what you are going through. He will come around a little at a time as he feels comfortable.

Don't push yourself on him, as he will learn to fear you. He will be fearful at this early stage. :)

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