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I have to leave my birds...


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I have to go away for 4 days, My 3 birds will be stuck in their cages from fri pm until wed pm...... I am distraught over this ....lap, Talon wont be able to sleep in her sleep cage. This will be the first time she will be left in her day,play cage at night.


How will they fair? I'm so upset.....but I have absolutely no one that can handle them. My boys will feed them and give them fresh water, but that's it....:o:(

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Been there and done that a couple of times. I cry and worry all the time I am gone! Once was for 7 days and the last was for 4 like yours. Other than being a bit angry at me when I came home - all mine did just fine. And their stand-offness only lasted a day. I did make a couple of special toys that the person taking care of them could put in the cage every couple of days. As long as they have someone to talk to them and take care of them a couple of times a day they will be just fine! Oh, by the way, the first time I left I had to hire a stranger to take care of them because the whole family went together - that REALLY bothered me.

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Like everyone else has said, Relax, they'll be fine. As long as their food & water will be taken care of, they'll adjust. I was recently in the hospital for 3 days. The birds stayed in their cages the whole time, and my wife fed & watered them. When I got home, they all cried and screeched so. None of them would leave my side for the whole first day I was home. Even tolerating each other being on me at the same time. Your fids will be okay.

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They will be in good hands. Tell your boys you trust them and they are going to rise to the occasion and be good to your flock. They might not do things the same as if mom were doing them but your birds will be safe and fed. Make a pact that you will let them contact you daily and promise to let you know if there is anything to be worried about. Then... go in peace. Try to resist the urge to check on them, keep telling yourself it is just fine and the flock will learn to be strong and will appreciate your ways much more when you return. I am going to need to travel in June and August and already it is making a knot in my stomach. But, I have reached a progress with Gilbert that I know she is going to be fine. We all need this balance and our flock needs it as much as we do. I had a recent health concern and it made me think hard about the alternatives. Having your flock weather your absence and be reunited is going to be uncomfortable but it is also like starting an exercise program, it might ache a little at first but the long term benefit is worth it.

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Remember this, Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You loved them in the past, You love them now, And they know you will love them in the future.

We all know how smart they are.

OH, They may make you pay the price for a day or two, but That`s their way of getting back at you for being gone.

That`s their way of showing love.

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I'll be in the same boat this spring. I'll have to hire a pet sitter to come in and take care of Dorian. I know he'll be a little ticked off when I come in the door, but it usually only lasts until we can get back into our regular routine. Your flock will be ok and once they get over the inital moodiness they may be more cuddly than usual. You try not to spend your whole time away worrying about them, OK?

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All have such great advice. Some parents get punished, some don't. Of course, we all give alot of thought into whom to care for our birds. Their safety is always top of the list. I have tried several scenarios for Sophie when she was younger. She loved all of them, but ultimately I have two people that I hire to care for her. Now when I come home... no punishment, but the kitchen sure is a mess! As soon as I open birdroom and tell her I am home, she comes running in screaming ROM ROM! Stepup immediately and lots of kisses. Then she starts talking like crazy! LOL! She is happy and had a good week Nancy

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Thanks everyone for all your encouraging words. You have made me feel better. I am off this morning, I let the birds out for a bit for breakfast, but they feel so ethinf isn't right and aren't interested in eating. So, I will put them in their cages and head out soon.

Thanks again, I do feel better about leaving them thanks to all of you. Will update you when I get back. Judy, I am heading your way, down south to NC. Wish I had time for a visit!!

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Explain to them, as you would a child, that you will be gone for 4 days and x-amount of nights. I really think they understand time and will be a lot less stressed if they know when you are coming back. Explain time in terms that they understand like how many sunsets, or dinner times, or breakfasts, or number of pieces of toast (or whatever works). Then you will know that they know when you are coming back and maybe you won't worry quite as much ;>)


Anytime I leave I tell them when I will be back and I try to never be late--always early.


Enjoy your trip. They will be fine.


Oh! By the way, I find they are also less clingy and/or angry when I get home too.

Edited by chezron
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