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How many hours of sleep does my baby grey need?


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Hi everyone! Breezy seems to like to stay up late with us. I usually cover his cage at 7:30 but if he hears us moving around he comes to the bottom of the cage and peeks out under his cage cover and peeps and talks to us. We usually end up taking him back out and sometimes he gets to bed kind of late. Would it be okay to leave his cover on later in the morning so he gets more sleep or should they be on a really early wake up schedule. He seems to be fine with sleeping in later, we are quiet if we are awake early. He acts happy and well rested so maybe the amount of sleep he is getting and what we are doing is fine. What do you guys think about this? I swear, he thinks he is going to miss something at night when he is covered up. Lol!

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They need 10-12 hours every day to stay healthy and happy. If your babys cage is in the main living space for the family that's great for the day, but at night it's less than ideal. Some members here with a similar set up to yours use a sleep cage. A small cage in a quiet room would let Breezy catch his ZZZ's, and you wouldn't have to tip toe around your house after birdy bed time.

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One of my greys has a sleep cage in my bedroom. I cover it with a dark sheet. She prefers peace & quiet. If I am in my bedroom after she is in bed..she Shhh's me a few times loudly...if I continue to talk or make any noise..she gets mad and starts banging her bell loudly to tell me to Shut-up!

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Sophie always goes to bed around 8pm. She desires to get up around 8am. There are days I have to leave for work at 6am. I give them their food... Sunny is always up and ready, but Sophie just wants to snuggle and not think about food. I will snuggle a half sleepy bird, because she wants to see me and wants to cuddle. A quick kiss " up"... after 15 minutes, a quick " kiss down". Minimal conversation, just some cuddling. After this routine was established, there was a time that I decided she wouldn't notice. Boy, was I wrong! She was immediately alert when I skipped our " routine". She was so mad at me... instantly awake and MAD! I had to call into work that I would be late! I learned my lesson. Nancy

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