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Hi everyone, wanted to introduce myself, I am the proud owner of 2 congos, ages 7 and 26, and a Timneh African Grey, age 8. I also have 2 linneolated parakeets in my flock. We enjoy the birds so much, as well as enjoy hearing about others flock members and experiences. You can never learn too much!!!

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome! All of your birds in the pictures are beautiful! I have been reading on this forum for years and never posted, well, to be honest, I couldn't remember my username and password, duh! I tried to make a new username and start over and it said that my email was already in the site so I got my old username AND my password! Don't know what took me so long to figure that out! Anyways, as for my greys, I have had all of them since they were weaned except the 26 year old Smokey. I rehomed him from a lady at church who found out that I had parrots. Smokey was her husbands bird, he died, and she didn't know what to do with him. He came in a small cage, no toys, eating only sunflower seeds. He is not able to be handled on my terms, just once in a great while on his own terms. And that is only when he is "hormonal" if you know what I mean. ; ). He will however, step up on my two sons hands, but they have to really watch because he can turn very irritable quickly. I have been bit a couple times working with him, and have chosen to respect that he wants to interact with us from a distance. And that he does!! He has been a very important part of our family now, for the last 5 years.



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Again, thanks for the welcomes! I look forward to sharing and supporting others here! This forum has always been so helpful to so many. ; ). I now, have to share my newest family member that I have been talking about in the Amazon room....introducing Olivia!


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giggles at the upside down pic and Timbersmom's repsonse :) welcome what a huge flock you have ... your little linnies are sooooo sweet looking. Im curious do they all get along for the most part? Are they free flying thru your house? Which one is attached to you? give us some fun stories of your huge flock ... glad you stopped in

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome! All of your birds in the pictures are beautiful! I have been reading on this forum for years and never posted, well, to be honest, I couldn't remember my username and password, duh! I tried to make a new username and start over and it said that my email was already in the site so I got my old username AND my password! Don't know what took me so long to figure that out! Anyways, as for my greys, I have had all of them since they were weaned except the 26 year old Smokey. I rehomed him from a lady at church who found out that I had parrots. Smokey was her husbands bird, he died, and she didn't know what to do with him. He came in a small cage, no toys, eating only sunflower seeds. He is not able to be handled on my terms, just once in a great while on his own terms. And that is only when he is "hormonal" if you know what I mean. ; ). He will however, step up on my two sons hands, but they have to really watch because he can turn very irritable quickly. I have been bit a couple times working with him, and have chosen to respect that he wants to interact with us from a distance. And that he does!! He has been a very important part of our family now, for the last 5 years.



Hi. Welcome to our board. I also have 2 congos and 1 Timneh. All are adults---9, 14, 18 yrs old. One of my congo greys is also named Smokey. He's the one in my avatar. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

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Hi Dave, I bet you have fun in your house with your 3 greys as I do! They are such a hoot aren't they?! Funny one of yours is Smokey too! Beautiful birds! Thanks Danmcq! Aerial, the linnies are such a joy to have, we just love them! They have been saying several words and phrases in their little robotic voices, one is a snuggler, the other loves to sit on you, be near you snuggling under your chin, but doesn't like his back touched too much. My female will allow anything. As far as my flock goes, they are all delighted at the moment, my new Amazon (and the last addition to our flock) was clipped when I bought her the other day. They all pretty much stay on their own playstands and don't try to get at each other. I can't cage any of them together except the linnies of course. My idea of a great evening is having the whole flock together in the family room on their stands, my hubby and I relaxing, and just njoying our beautiful birds. Each one adds so much to our family! ; ). I am so glad too, to be a new Amazon Mom!!! So excited as she is so different than my other birds.

Edited by Blf3greys
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Can't wait to hear your amazon stories, you are right, they are so different, but what a joy! Mine loves flying thru the house screaming her little head off, occasionally she will play fly tag with my timneh, it's the only game they enjoy together.

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