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Might be adding an Amazon?


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Hi everyone, I am a long time reader but haven't posted much but plan on it in the future. I currently have 3 Greys, ages 7,8, and 26, as well as 2 lineolated parakeets that I enjoy so much. I've never considered an Amazon, but recently saw one at a bird shop who was just the funniest bird, then I started researching. I've googled everything I possibly can about them, as well as the different species. I've fallen in love with what I have been reading about their personality. They seem like my kind of bird! My only worry is what I have been reading about noise. Most of what I am reading says they are amongst the noisiest species except for the macaws and cockatoos. I am not worries about the hormonal problems as much as the screaming. Can you all with zons, give me an idea of what it is like to live with the amazons, is it bad, constant noise? More shrieks than a grey? Just louder, etc? I know every bird is different, I know that everyone's ears are different too! My 3 greys get going with their words, whistles, etc. here and there, one of them does a high pitch shriek when she wants attention, but I can always redirect her to a new toy, snack, etc. and she will stop. Do amazons have quiet periods throughout the day as greys do? What are the zons like compared to the greys as the greys are what I am so used to.. I would love a silly singing, nutty amazon! If I were a bird, that would be me! Lol. I would appreciate any advice as I have found a 6 month old Lilac Crowned baby for sale at a reputable parrot shop. I bought my linnies and one of my greys from them and know the ladies that run it quite well. They also have a green cheeked baby, and a 7 month old baby that was returned who they say is a bit reserved, but they said they know she will come around with a new family. The lady who bought her died suddenly and her family returned the LCA. Sorry so long! I considered the LCA due to what I read about them being one of the calmer species and "quieter" then the others. Not to mention beautiful!

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There was a time when I would never have considered an amazon as a companion. Than along came cricket my Blue fronted Amazon and now I am in love with my grey and my zon.

You can read all kinds of bad things about amazons just like you can read all kinds of bad things about greys.

If you look at my avatar you will see Corky my CAG and Cricket my BFA. They each bring something of them self that is different from the other that makes our home a home.

They are each so different from each other, yet so much alike.

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I love that you are taking the time to ask such a good question. I have 2 greys and got a 6 month old yellow crowned amazon on a whim. I knew nothing about them and am glad now that I didnt, if I did, I would not have gotten the love of my life.

My amazon's named Nilah, there are many threads posted here about her and her antics.


Can she be loud and animated? Yes.

Does she scream? Never, only when my daughter died my dog pink! There is a video here showing her dislike.

When I am having a loud conversation, she will too.

When I am quiet, she is too.

She loves to sing, one of her favorite things to do is sit in the windowsill and sing.

She has no reason to scream, I talk to her a lot, so she will talk instead of screaming.

She does not whistle like a grey, she prefers to sing opera and talk.

She has captured my heart in a way that no other bird or pet has done. That's what makes an amazon so special.


She is 5 years old now. She is very smart and can try my nerves when she makes her mind up to, but I learned right from the start, never to let her win, I only let her think she wins and that makes her happy and easier to work with. She is very bonded to me, we are inseperable when I am home. In fact, as I am typing this post with one finger on my iPad, she insists on perching and preaning my other hand . This is how I spend every night while here or watching the tv.


So as long as you understand what you are in for (they can be very difficult when they get hormonal)and are sure you will be this amazons forever home no matter what, then you will never regret the love of an amazon!


Oh and one other thing, their bite is very different than a greys. A grey will slice like a knife, an amazon is more like a vice grip....but never let them no it hurts, just say 'no biting' they get it....

Edited by Talon
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Hi Blf3greys. All parrots are different. I have a TAG, a CAG and ZON. My greys are very different. Ana Grey, tag, is fearless and the boss. She is always first. She is unafraid and very friendly with everyone. She expects to share your food. My cag, Sterling Gris, is very cautious and only trusts me. Now my zon, Louie, is a re-home. He was 1 1/2 when I got him and not treated kindly by the women in his home. Louie, tries very hard to do as I ask. Although I can't touch him he comes to me and goes in and out of his cage as I ask. He follows me from room to room and always is last. Last to come for treats, last in his cage. He is the guard and he is very sweet. I can't touch him but he can touch me. He loves to preen my hair. If I had to choose, grey or zon. I would not, I could not. Their personalities are different and they are all precious.

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Ray P, Talon, and Luvparrots, you all are giving me such hope and excitement hearing about your amazons! Talon, that is so funny about your bird not liking the pink dog!! Lol. They are so funny!! I am really getting excited about meeting the Amazons, as a matter of fact, I am going to head to the parrot shop in the morning to visit. If I feel there is a strong connection, well, you probably know what'll happen!! The bird will be coming home with me!! I have to be honest, I can't say I have been looking for another bird, till I got the Amazon stuck in my mind....you probably know the rest of the story, I research, read, research, google, ask, ask, ask breeders, etc. and once someone like me gets this idea in their head, it's no turning back!! Haha! I am an animal lover to the bone, I love spending time with my parrots and 4 dogs. As well as our married children and friends for that matter, and I know I will have the time and love to give to just ONE more parrot. Lol. I am not as much worried about the temperamental issues as I know with guidance from those experienced like you all, we can work through those issues. Noise was my main concern, I do to mind the animated noises, talking, singing, whistles, laughs, etc. I love that, I just wasn't sure if Amazons were more apt to "scream" or make the type of noise such as a Quaker, Hans macaw, some of the conure type noises nonstop. I know that the birds will pick up obnoxious sounds and such, our house isn't quiet by all means. Our Emily has been singing the "rahoo rahoo rahoo forest" song from the grinch stole Christmas cartoon since the holidays. Each of the greys have a song or two going at the moment as well as many, many words and phrases. I love it! Thanks again for your replies, I will let you know what happens tomorrow!

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When you get your amazon let me know the name and species so I can add it to the list of Honored Amazons of the grey forum that you can find as a sticky in the Amazon Room.


P.S. Check out the list and find out how many amazons are members.

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Luvparrots and Sterling, you guys are reassuring me that I can handle the Amazon and I am getting more excited by the minute!! I am leaving to meet them in a little bit. Ray, yes, I will let you know if I bring one home today, it will either be a Lilac Crowned or a Green Cheeked/Mexican red headed. They said that the lilac crowned was the more affectionate bird, and the green cheeked was a real character. Not sure if the green cheeked has a louder reputation or not, not that it matters because I know that every bird is different vocally. I will see who seems to like me! I am a nervous wreck too!! Lol!

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Well, I am back from the parrot shop....I went in...looked around a few minutes, and told myself not to jump into anything unless it felt "right". When I walked over to where the lady said the Amazons were, one in particular came right up to me and wanted to step up. I talked to her for a few minutes, interacted with the green cheeked, as well as a sold double yellow headed and rehome LCA... And guess who followed me around the whole play gym all the while??!!! My NEW lilac crowned Amazon!!! I swear, the connection was immediate and I didn't even need to think about it! I absolutely love her!!! I just put her on a playstand and am now decorating her cage with all her new toys. I feel like a new mom, and just know that this bird with be a blessed addition to our flock. I am sure I will have questions soon! She is very quiet right now, going to let her settle. Here is a picture:


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Timbersmom, yes, you have to get one! I am so excited to have her! Sterling, too funny about your Bluefront! luvparrots, I will keep you up to date on her progress. I had her out on her playstand for quite awhile, then getting used to her cage. She is taking everthing in carefully, shes so sweet, she is putting up with me hugging her and giving her kisses. Feel like a kid at Christmas playing with her toys and I am 52! :-D. Ray, I have named her Olivia. She smells so good!


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