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Luna doesn't like my family


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We have had Luna for 6 months now. But in the whole time I cant get Luna to accept my family. He will step up sometimes but he fights it. My family wants to love him but he doesnt let them. Its discouraging hearing them say he is a mean bird or he has attitude. My grandpa comes in everyday to talk to him and try to get him to step up but he never does. He isnt afraid of them so he isnt biting out of fear. He even drew blood today for the first time! That isnt like him at all. I dont know what to do :(

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They should try the ignore and conquer ploy. How about one of them eating a favorite treat of Luna's in front of him and making "yummy" sounds and ignoring Luna. Walking away and sitting near where Luna could go if he wanted. See if that helps. Make Luna become the seeker not the sought.

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It can be very frustrating. My Toulouse (TAG) is fine when he is in his cage with my wife and son. He'll approach them from behind the bars and accept treats. But outside of the cage he'll bite them. Of course he's bitten me but I am motivated to work through it. My wife and son, although animal lovers, do not want to experience the bites. Luckily (I guess) Toulouse will not say anything I try to teach him but he will learn from my wife and son. Mary and Jay have found a type of relationship that works for them. While they don't handle him unless it's a safety issue they enjoy him for his jabbering. Both are supportive in Toulouse's care. Mary even threw out the teflon. I hope things work out in your situation. Toulouse is still an youngin (1 1/2 year old) and I'm hoping that as he matures he will change preferences. After all it's not healthy to stay with your mom/dad forever. If anyone in the family can put up with a bite it's me. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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You really can't make a bird like someone or anyone for that matter. They have a mind of their own, and will decide who they like and when. IT will change as time goes on. Just be patient and explain to your family, they won't necessarily like everyone, dogs, cats like everyone mostly, but not birds...they are a species of their own.

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Talon is spot on. Birds are not dogs that for the most part like any human. Birds and especially greys normally have one favored person and depending on how well socialized they were and just their individual personality as a whole well either be interested in other people or not.

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