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My gray's wing problem


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Dear friend

My gray KANNI is about 3 years old. she has a chronic problem in wings specially left one. in past two years she never can fly! her left wing never has long feather. when any feather grows (low quality)on her wing , it fall down soon! KANNI speak well, play well, eat well and there is no problem in her chest or body or tail feather. i want help her to fly. is there any comment?

thank you


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I can't imagine how hard it must be to have health questions about your parrot & no vet to help. But no one here is qualified to give advise like this. Snap diagnosis w/so little info can easily lead to more & even worse problems.


You really do need to take this up w/a qualified vet. Maybe one of these will help. I have NO IDEA about any of these sites, though! So please, please research the answers you get even from the supposed experts before you make any changes for Kanni.




VVV click middle tab that says "Vet", then drop down menu where it says "birds" VVV





Once you've gotten some professional feedback you could post questions & members might be able to offer information from their experience, though.

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That feather looks like she may have pulled it out as there is a little dried blood at the base, you would not see that on a molted feather. Is her cage large enough for her to spread her wings? I ask that as the feather shows some damage along the length, that can be caused by rubbing on cage bars or her over grooming. How much natural Sunlight does she get a week? You can give her baths or mistings in plain water or if you can get it there, some Aloe Vera juice, not the gel.

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That feather looks like she may have pulled it out as there is a little dried blood at the base, you would not see that on a molted feather. Is her cage large enough for her to spread her wings? I ask that as the feather shows some damage along the length, that can be caused by rubbing on cage bars or her over grooming. How much natural Sunlight does she get a week? You can give her baths or mistings in plain water or if you can get it there, some Aloe Vera juice, not the gel.


Thank you dear Greywings

Yes she has a large cage and she is free at home from morning to night! sunlight??? too small!!! :-( her cage is far from windows. she has a special bowl for bath in top of her cage and she use it regularly. i don't use Aloe Vera! :-(

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I can't imagine how hard it must be to have health questions about your parrot & no vet to help. But no one here is qualified to give advise like this. Snap diagnosis w/so little info can easily lead to more & even worse problems.


You really do need to take this up w/a qualified vet. Maybe one of these will help. I have NO IDEA about any of these sites, though! So please, please research the answers you get even from the supposed experts before you make any changes for Kanni.




VVV click middle tab that says "Vet", then drop down menu where it says "birds" VVV





Once you've gotten some professional feedback you could post questions & members might be able to offer information from their experience, though.

Thank you dear birdhouse

unfortunately i have no international facilities for international VISA or bank payment in Iran and i can not use your suggested web pages!!!

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Thank you dear birdhouse

unfortunately i have no international facilities for international VISA or bank payment in Iran and i can not use your suggested web pages!!!


Rahvar, that search I posted was for free vet advise. Like I said, I've never had to try to do things this way & maybe I'm wrong. But I wouldn't think you'd need any type of payment.


Also, the last link (merkmanual) was for your own research. You can try looking things up on your own to see if you find any useful info. Also, I thought you could use it to cross reference anyone's advise.

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HELP ME PLEASE!!! I think KANNI has feather pulling :-( :-( :-(



The first photo shows that she's definitely plucking her breast feathers. Since you can't get aloe juice, you should spray her frequently with cool water especially on the breast area. She may have dry skin. She may also be molting a bit. Many birds pluck the dead feathers off of the body. During molting some birds be pulling out too many feathers and that's usually from dry skin. Dry skin causes the skin to get irritated and very itchy which causes the bird to pluck more than is necessary. Spraying with water may help but you need to make sure that the skin gets soaked. In your other post you talk about a chronic wing problem, especially the left side. That's hard to explain but it's not rare. As far as regrowth, it may not happen properly. When feathers aren't laying in their proper place, new feathers may irritate a bird and the bird may pull them out. You really can't say that they just fall out by themselves. You're not watching her 24 hrs a day. She may be pulling them out in the evening or when you're not watching her. Wing feathers fall out in all parts of the year. When they lose those wing feathers, that's not called molting. The present feather simply dries up and another pushes it's way outward. 1 or 2 wings feathers on Monday, a couple of more on Thursday etc etc. That feather is definitely a dead feather. There's no more blood in the bottom shaft area. It was the time for that feather to fall or get pushed out. As far as the left side, you'll need a vet to closely examine that area. We don't give out medical information when a vet is needed. BUT, I will say that it's a very bad idea to be practicing flying from one person to another! You'll hurt her by doing that. She has little balance when one wing is shorter than the other. She'll fall down and serious things may happen. If she hasn't flown throughout her life, that's the way it may stay or maybe not. That doesn't mean she's unhappy. I have a grey who at one time had no feathers at all except for the feathers on her head. It took a few years of hard work to finally stop him from plucking. He now has a beautiful complete set of feathers--wings, breast, tail BUT he will never fly if though his feathers are now perfect. He never knew how to fly because of his long term feather problem. I never make a big deal about him not flying. My biggest problem was stopping the bad serious plucking. It took 4 yrs to straighten that out. He's quite happy and even bosses the other greys once in a while.

So, you may wanna make some sort of special trip to an avian vet or if not, continue to mist those breast frequently until they start growing back. If you can possibly find that aloe juice, get it. If you can get some cheap aloe plants, do it because she may overpluck certain areas and cause cuts or irritated spots. Most plant/ garden stores sell them. It's a very common plant. Using aloe plant----Take a leaf from the aloe plant, break off about 1 inch from the leaf and rub some of the gel on any itchy areas. Because your bird has a feather problem, it's good to have that aloe plant around. They're very hardy and very easy to keep alive. He in the US, they're very inexpensive. Also try giving her the darkest green veggies that you can find. That second picture above really doesn't show any serious damage but that may because of the photo angle.



Edited by Dave007
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The first photo shows that she's definitely plucking her breast feathers. Since you can't get aloe juice, you should spray her frequently with cool water especially on the breast area. She may have dry skin. She may also be molting a bit. Many birds pluck the dead feathers off of the body. During molting some birds be pulling out too many feathers and that's usually from dry skin. Dry skin causes the skin to get irritated and very itchy which causes the bird to pluck more than is necessary. Spraying with water may help but you need to make sure that the skin gets soaked. In your other post you talk about a chronic wing problem, especially the left side. That's hard to explain but it's not rare. As far as regrowth, it may not happen properly. When feathers aren't laying in their proper place, new feathers may irritate a bird and the bird may pull them out. You really can't say that they just fall out by themselves. You're not watching her 24 hrs a day. She may be pulling them out in the evening or when you're not watching her. Wing feathers fall out in all parts of the year. When they lose those wing feathers, that's not called molting. The present feather simply dries up and another pushes it's way outward. 1 or 2 wings feathers on Monday, a couple of more on Thursday etc etc. That feather is definitely a dead feather. There's no more blood in the bottom shaft area. It was the time for that feather to fall or get pushed out. As far as the left side, you'll need a vet to closely examine that area. We don't give out medical information when a vet is needed. BUT, I will say that it's a very bad idea to be practicing flying from one person to another! You'll hurt her by doing that. She has little balance when one wing is shorter than the other. She'll fall down and serious things may happen. If she hasn't flown throughout her life, that's the way it may stay or maybe not. That doesn't mean she's unhappy. I have a grey who at one time had no feathers at all except for the feathers on her head. It took a few years of hard work to finally stop him from plucking. He now has a beautiful complete set of feathers--wings, breast, tail BUT he will never fly if though his feathers are now perfect. He never knew how to fly because of his long term feather problem. I never make a big deal about him not flying. My biggest problem was stopping the bad serious plucking. It took 4 yrs to straighten that out. He's quite happy and even bosses the other greys once in a while.

So, you may wanna make some sort of special trip to an avian vet or if not, continue to mist those breast frequently until they start growing back. If you can possibly find that aloe juice, get it. If you can get some cheap aloe plants, do it because she may overpluck certain areas and cause cuts or irritated spots. Most plant/ garden stores sell them. It's a very common plant. Using aloe plant----Take a leaf from the aloe plant, break off about 1 inch from the leaf and rub some of the gel on any itchy areas. Because your bird has a feather problem, it's good to have that aloe plant around. They're very hardy and very easy to keep alive. He in the US, they're very inexpensive. Also try giving her the darkest green veggies that you can find. That second picture above really doesn't show any serious damage but that may because of the photo angle.





very very good guide. thank you my dear friend. i try to do that you say and report results here...

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