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Our new baby


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Yeah, we're a little off topic, but I'm part Ukrainian (my maiden name is Tehansky). Have never been there, though...My dad's nickname was "Russian" and I have nicknamed my son "Mishka."

Lusya, things are very new for you and your bird. Trust me, you'll get used to each other in time. Your bird will let you know what she wants.

Don't worry about the water, they will drink when they're thirsty. Also, she will get some water from fruits & veggies.

It sounds like you are doing a great job - Izzie is lucky to have such a good mommy! :)

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Laurie, thank you! :blush: If you ever get a chance to go to Kiev, Ukraine don't miss it! I loved it there. We had our wedding ceremony there too :)


The forum has a lot of useful info on everything from food to training! I am learning and it seems like Izzie learns too.

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Today Izzie made some new noises. It was very cool and unexpected! She would step up and sit at my arm longer than before. She started to play with more toys. She still does not drink a lot. Also, I've notices she takes naps during the day. Is it normal? I thought maybe she is not getting enough sleep during the night? Or since she is still a baby she needs some extra minutes of nap time during the busy day?

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Your babyis beautiful I just love African Greys they are so smart. I'wouldn't worry about your baby taking naps all birds nap during the day My birds take a nap after breakfast and then again around 1:30 2:00 in the afternoon and I only have 1 baby bird all the rest are adult birds My African Grey Congo is 4 yrs old my Fiery shoulderd Conure is 8yrs old and My Amazon is 10yrs Old they all get a least 12 hours sleep at night and they nap twice during the day Its just what birds do.




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Our baby is 5 months old today!! She been with us for almost 3 weeks now!


I need some advice again. I let Izzie sit on my shoulder only when I am sitting. Now, for some reason, she wants to kiss/bite my lips, nose, ear when she is on my shoulder. Is it a sign she likes me or what is that? :)

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Same here!

I have my nose pierces, so I have to remove my earring every time I take Izzie on the couch with me :P


She does not like my ears as much as my mouth due to long hair, I guess. It is opposite with my husband, she is all over his ears :lol:

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Yep, thats good lovin from your baby :-)


You need to watch these rascals though, if you eat when they are on your shoulder (I do) they will sometimes try to grab the food as your putting it in your mouth sometimes grabbing it right off the Fork or out of your fingers...sneaky little fellows :side:

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For now I only let Izzie on my shoulder while I am watching TV, talking on the phone or just sitting on the couch. Since her balance is not perfect, I try not to walk with her and I try to sit somewhere she wouldn't get hurt if she decides to jump.


She comes up with some funny noises. It's very cool.


And next week we are going to visit my parents in Tampa. It's only 3.5 hours drive, but still I hope she will take it well.

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Liath is over a year now, and I do housework with her on my shoulder. Today I forgot she was there and bent down to pick something up off the floor and she said "whoah, Careful!"


I laughed so hard that she started laughing with me. (I hope the neighbours werent watching, they must think I am mad!)



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  • 1 month later...

Hello to all!

I was really busy lately, so I had no time to come to the forum :(


Izzie is doing good. She is still weights about 380-385g. After I received the scale, I put Izzie on it every morning to monitor her weight. She weights the same, so I am assuming she is a petite bird.


She eats ok. For some reason she stopped eating pellets. Not completely stopped, but eats less of pellets than she used to. But she eats a variety of veggies, fruits. I started feeding her some table food and she loves it. She also likes cereal. Whenever we are eating, she makes noise so we would take her with us. So, it is 3 of us eating together. Izzie gets her little bowl and she loves to play with the spoon.


I finally found a job, so unfortunately I cannot stay home the entire day to play with Izzie. Now she gets up when we do, eats her breakfast with us. She stays out for about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Then she goes inside of her cage. My husband gets home during lunch, he lets her out, she eats some veggies and fruits. After an hour she goes back into the cage again. When I get home I let her out for an entire evening. I am trying to spend as much time as I could with her. Still, I feel so bad leaving her at home. We even though of getting a camera so we can watch her over the internet at any time B)


She is 6 month and 5 days today. She learned how to make a microwave noise. It is so cute. However, it seems like she forgot all other noises she used to know.


Couple of days ago I’ve notices some mark on her head. It seems like she scratched herself. Plus, she weights less than suppose to (book-wise), so we are taking her to the vet after the holidays. Just in case… Plus, I’ve heard the clinic is great.


I will try to come more often, but things are getting busy before the holidays. So, happy holidays to all in advance!




p.s. I’ve send a Christmas cards to our friends and signed it as Lusya, Sasha (husband) and Izzie. People seem to like it. B) ;)

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  • 7 months later...

Too bad I cannot come to write and read this forum more often.

Izzie is doing really good. She spends as much as possible time with us. She started to talk! It is amazing! She says "Hello", she meows, she sais mom, I love you and how are you in Russian. So she is bilingual, lol.

She eats well, mostly pellets and fruits and veggies.

Lately she started to make some movements when I put her close to me, like turning her head from side to side. I am not sure what is that, but we are going to visit our vet this weekend for regulat trims and check ups and I'll ask what's her movements all about.

I hope everything is well out here.


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Its so nice to hear from you and to hear things are going well with Izzie and your family I sounds like Izzie is growing up to be a very healthy well ajusted Grey all is good in our house hold also I do have one little bird that is alittle sick at the moment but we have a vet appointment tomorrow so I'm sure everything will be as right as rain in no time please try to stop by more often as we do miss hearing about you and your family and I would just love to see some new photos of Izzie now that she has grownup talk to you soon

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