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You know you live with a parrot when.....


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Haha, love the contact call one! Not that i have ever done that... lol My neighbor across the street and I do the contact call to each other now instead of calling out our names. We seem to hear the call over our own names much better! I can't hear the phone ring in my pocket but let me hear the whistle and i go into high alert!

All of these are really hitting home and it is sad that i have been racking my brain to add to this list but can't think of anything. But then i read them and think, "oh yeah, that has happened", it is just a way of life now and i don't see it as out of the ordinary anymore! (including giving the birds the master bedroom).


I will add that you know you live with a parrot when you start shopping for a kitchen table at Goodwill or Thrift town and give yourself a $25-$50 dollar limit because you know it will get chewed, but don't blink an eye at paying $50-$60 on a colored hunk of wood you hope they will chew!

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When you're on a diet and you swear you smell oatmeal cookies baking -- you contemplate for a half-second, tasting the branch that you just pulled out of the oven. (yesterday, while deep cleaning/sanitizing HRH's cage).


When shouting "Shut the front door!!" is not a substitute for swearing, it actually means: Shut the front door!

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When you become inured to poop, other than to give it a cursory examination before doing a quick wipe up. Bird poop that is.

Certainly, we'd still be completely abashed if we were snuggled with our dog or cat, and they just casually let it drop. Just the thought cracks me up! Nancy's post above made me think of this one.

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You are alone in your house and hear a old man's voice whisper "hello" in your ear and you hit the floor scared out of your mind!

You finally find and purchase that perfect dining room table and notice 2 corners of it are missing before you can get it covered!!!!!!!

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You know you live with a parrot when......


You have your parrots outside taking in Vitamin D and the young neighbor is mowing the lawn across the street. Your CAG gives a loud wolf whistle and the young female straightens her back and continues mowing the lawn with a new sway to her hips.... Priceless!

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(yesterday) -- when conversation comes to an abrupt halt and your guests all turn to look at you. You begin rapidly explaining, that you do not fart in front of people but are often found in a room with a parrot who does (or who at least is verrrrry good at making the noise!!). And they look at you like...Ohhh sure.....

Edited by Inara
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Rochester gas and electric is coming in to trim trees. They are leaving an abundance of tree limbs. I'm watching them closely....OMG... I'm turning into a wood fanantic. Whats the experience of wood for a weeping willow? Sophie would be thrilled! Nancy... PS ( I need to get a life, and not be thrilled about new wood for Sophie to chew!) Nancy

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Rochester gas and electric is coming in to trim trees. They are leaving an abundance of tree limbs. I'm watching them closely....OMG... I'm turning into a wood fanantic. Whats the experience of wood for a weeping willow? Sophie would be thrilled! Nancy... PS ( I need to get a life, and not be thrilled about new wood for Sophie to chew!) Nancy


From M.D. Vaden's page on safe woods for birds:

Under the list for safe woods: "WEEPING WILLOW - Salix - see Willow paragraph"


Here is the willow paragraph:

"Willow Someone sent me a URL for a University of Maryland University medical center page about some willows, and and how the bark contains salicin: similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Apparently the wood does not contain the compound like the bark does. One excerpt reads:


"The willow family includes a number of different species ... ... Some of the more commonly known are white willow/European willow (Salix alba), black willow/pussy willow (Salix nigra), crack willow (Salix fragilis), purple willow (Salix purpurea), and weeping willow (Salix babylonica). The willow bark sold in Europe and the United States usually includes a combination of the bark from white, purple, and crack willows"


The article sounds reliable, and apparently the bark and compounds are effective for human use it they are not allergic to it. Based on that information, I would still be very inclined to use willow wood for parrot perches or bird stands. But would remove the bark. And if the branch is freshly cut, will be among the easiest to remove. I used this for hiking sticks, and in the spring, bark virtually peels off by hand. If its dry, just use a knife."


I do know that an old Native American remedy for headache/toothache is chewing the bark. I am not sure how much salicin but to have a therapeutic effect on humans it must be clinically significant, and thus I would agree with his advice to remove the bark before giving to the birds.

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You are alone in your house and hear a old man's voice whisper "hello" in your ear and you hit the floor scared out of your mind!

You finally find and purchase that perfect dining room table and notice 2 corners of it are missing before you can get it covered!!!!!!!


Luckily, ours is a Craigslist find, not too expensive, and kind of a traditional pine style so it kind of accepts its new 'distressed' look. Megan taste-tested it within an hour of moving it in the door.

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Thanks! I'm gonna grab some logs, remove the bark as I would be very concerned regarding the blood thinning potential. Sean her other best friend is coming home in five days.... another human perch that she loves to death! I'm ready to be put on the back burner for the summer.I'll once again, will be living with 19 year olds, and Sophie will be very excited.I'm usually excited for her, but this year, I'm struggling with the loss of Zoey. I'm trying to remain strong and NOT get another dog. Its worked out, as Sophie has been with me strong, since lost of zoey. She is about to desert me. I understand. I just need someone to remind me to stay strong and NOT get another pup! Can anyone help me? Nancy

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