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You know you live with a parrot when.....


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(just happened) -- You see a quarter-sized, fresh, wayward all white splotch on the wood floor and stop dead in your tracks, with a bit of a panicky feeling and thoughts of, "That looks bad, bad, bad, bad......oh, whew! It's *not* unhealthy droppings, it's Blue Cheese Dressing!!!"


You're it.

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- you replace hanging chandeliers with flat mount light fixtures to improve flight paths

- you rip out all the carpet in your house and replace with hardwood/tile so you can easily get the poop up

- you remodel a bedroom complete with hangings boings/orbits/perches/ropes

- you're food gets inspected and shared or tossed every.single.meal.

- you pause multiple times before opening a door that leads outside - even if nothing is in the room

- seeing a nice well-formed green poop with white substrates in liquid makes you happy


I could go on and on...next -

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-you argue with your wife in the furniture store that you will not buy a leather recliner because there's nothing for the birds to grip when they land on it

-you're not keeping the baking things her family gave you for Christmas because they're made of silicone even though the givers know how much you like to bake

-the pantry that you keep the birds' foods and treats in is as big as the pantry that you have for your food, and more full

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All your base boards and door frames have the same unique design in them that were not there when you first installed them. But they are now starting to match your picture frames.

You are always having to explain to people that you do not have moths in your closet eating holes in your shirts!

You never wear jewlery anymore!

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Your furniture is all covered in sheets, towels, etc.

Your friends all know to ask before they recycle their newspapers or get rid of their sheets, towels, etc.

Your dog(s) eat more fresh fruits & veggies than the average person.

Your Xmas tree is only decorated w/edibles, shreddables & unbreakables.

Breakable takes on a whole new meaning.

Your friends wonder out loud about eating at your house when they find you baking branches in the oven.

Edited by birdhouse
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When you get home from work, the first thing you do is not say "hello, how was your day? to the hubby. The first thing you do is tell your bird how much you missed him and check the papers under the grate for poop presence, consistency, and form.

The second thing you do is ask hubby how the bird ate today.

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You subscribe to your local newspaper -- but not for the news.

You shut the door to the TV room if you are going to watch *anything* that might have a lot of screaming (murder mysteries, horror movies, thrillers, etc) and/or swearing.

You start sounding like a two-year-old with repeated bouts of saying, "No, mine!"

You explain to your friends that you were not attacked by a porcupine nor did you wrestle a cactus, the week before a much needed talon trim.

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SOOO happy to see, we " all suck as parrents" and have offered our " hearts and souls", for our birds. LOL! Through our sacrifices, we have developed " trust"... our birds love us unconditionally. I may sometimes doubt my ability to be the best parent, but when I hang with Sophie... she thinks I am AWESOME! I trust her judgement! Nancy

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You know you live with a parrot when .........


Your phone rings and the parrot is saying hello before you even pick it up....


Your kids complain that all you do is make food for the parrot :eek:


You can be sitting at work and see a tiny little feather floating through the air and your parrot is at home lol

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When you get home from work, the first thing you do is not say "hello, how was your day? to the hubby. The first thing you do is tell your bird how much you missed him and check the papers under the grate for poop presence, consistency, and form.

The second thing you do is ask hubby how the bird ate today.


This one definitely hits home at our house. I've really had to work on making sure wifey gets her kiss and attention first before Greycie. Poor lil Toby is last in line.

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