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Just wanted to post introduce myself and Archie(bald). I have had him since August bought from an owner who wasn't very good with him. He is now still just 15months old. It has been quite a traumatic journey - does it get easier? We live in the UK and I would love to be able to find some moral support as I find this lovely responsibility very stressful!

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Thank you for the welcome.

I don't know his full story but the previous owners advertised him and when I went to see him he was in a sorry state, they used a stick to get him in his cage and he had no tail and one wing was severely chewed (I was told). That was in August and he has come along way: he is just starting to grow a tail and has his secondary feathers on the damaged wing, the primary ones came through but got knocked, bled and bitten off - ouch. He has gone from seed diet to Harrisons, has learnt how to forage and now likes to go "on your back" he says and talks up a storm. He also loves the kitchen tap. He is an absolute sweety.

The problem is me! I work from home and he is so demanding and I have a hard time walking away when he is flapping his wings and "peeping" at me. I am not sure if his behaviour is because he is still very young or if that is just how parrots are. I wish I knew other members routines so I could measure my own by it. Now he is more confident he has taken to jumping off his stand (he can't fly) and climbing up the curtains to get my attention. If I shut him in the cage he would climb the bars and pluck his feathers. Last week I made a natural wood play gym for him but he is terrified of it at the moment. So, he is in his cage at night, he eats in his cage and the rest of the time he sits on his perch that I made out of an old lampstand and dowel. Oh, or playing with me on the sofa which is the only place he can't hurt himself.

So essentially, I am constantly worrying about him, is he going to hurt himself, am I doing the right thing, is he going to pull his feathers out, how can I ever leave him? As much as I love Archie I need to know if I can relax a bit?! Also, if these early months are reflective of what he will be like when he is older.


ebay 002.jpg

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I have had to teach him to play with toys but I now have a large collection of supplies with which to make foraging toys. He now gets the majority of his food this way. I am also trying to get him interested in non-food toys but this is more of a challenge. The difficulty is he is now so quick with tearing the cardboard etc apart I am going to have to get smarter!

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Welcome! Greys also love to shred anything paper.If you have ever had an experience with a human two year old... it is the same thing. Setting boundaries and expectations. It is... tougher, when a bird has already learned a bad habit like chewing their feathers. I would suggest having main cage as well as a cage located near you to watch you when you are working. When you are working, put baby in cage behind where you are working. LOTS of toys....leave door open. I would also put a gym in front of cage with lots to chew. I wouldnt allow baby shoulder status... that takes time and I cant imagine before the age of two. Wrist only. Your goal is for baby to learn to trust you, open cage concept, letting baby know what you expect of them, and behavior you dont appreciate. YIKES! Sounds like alot of work, but I promise you, it is worth it. Now, Sophie is 14....I get home....Sophie yells " Rom(mom) are you home? I open bird room she comes running out, I pick her up and get kisses like crazy! Sophie for me is is being home finally. She brings me so much peace after a hard day. Nancy

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Welcome! You also need to remember that Grey time and our time are very different. A month to us may seem long enough to make a big change, but to a Grey that may seem like a day. SO, in working with Archie, please take your time and then some. A year is not too long to work before seeing a big response. BUT that said - it is SOOO worth the effort. A good diet, which you have started on. You might want to include some fresh vegetables in now. You said he likes the kitchen tap - does he 'shower' under it? If so wonderful! If not, you miay want to find out if he will. A shower a few times a week might help with his chewing the feathers - it might not but it is worth trying. If he doesn't like the tap try spraying him or maybe he would like a bath not a shower. Of course, if he is like most Greys, he won't like any of it - but you have to bath/shower him anyways! LOL

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making toys at home that archie can eat/shred is really easier then you think and so many things can be used from coffee filters, toilet paper rolls, straws. I would keep the play stand you made him near too so he can get used to it and keep tryin to encourage him to get on or use it :) good luck sounds like you are doing an excellent job

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Give him time with the stand you built. It took Timber 3 months to venture on to the boing I hung from the ceiling. Some things they take to quickly, others not so much. That's another example of "grey time." I have found greys to be "needy" in the sense that they want and expect your attention as much as possible. Timber is about 6 now (he is a rehome so I don't know for sure). He will still sit on the edge of his cage and give me the baby bird cheep when he wants to get on my arm for a cuddle session. With time and patience, I think you will find your life with Archie to be very rewarding. I know I have!

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To answer your question, yes!!! You can relax. Greys thrive and react to our moods, if you are stressed Archie will be stressed. Relax and let nature take its course. I have 2 feather chewers and keeping them occupied with lots to shred helps some. Oops, 3 chewers. Adding paper, cotton mop heads with beads strung on it, phone books, coffee filters oh the things they love to chew. Boings lead the way though and straws come in a close second. Lots of good baths help too. This is a very hard habit to break and do not expect overnight success. So you are aware also, feathers do not come in quickly, one of mine had a very bad wing clip before he came to me, 2 or 3 years ago ( I still can't remember ) and just last week there was a clipped feather on the bottom of his cage. My flock is free to fly so after at least 2 years to find a clipped feather was a shock. As far as being needy, thats a grey to an extent. They want and do demand attention so it is going to be up to you how you react to it. As Nancy said, set your limits and stay true to them because he will test you every step of the way to see what he can get away with!

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Hello Julia and welcome to our family.

So glad to hear you gave Archie a new forever home and you have been given some excellent advice so far as it just takes time and lots of patience but you will soon work it all out. He is a handsome fella from the picture you shared with us.

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Thank you to all the lovely advice. Greys don't like baths? Archie sits on that tap and I have the squirt bottle, ask him if he's ready and he bobs up and down and away we go until he is so soaked! He sings and cackles and its the best time we have together! I leave the water running which he likes.

Yes I have tried cardboard, paper, wrapped treats, I have a log with holes that I stuff with all sorts and you name it. What I find is that he gets through it all in next to no time and then wants to know what is next. I am working on making toys that have a longer life span.


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