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Herbie has eaten chocolate!!!


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Hi! Do not worry too much about it...let me tell you a story....When I was rehoming my second CAG(buying from his second owner),guy told me "dont worry he eats everiting and his favorite is chocolate"....when I heard that I didnt respond but I make up my mind of buying and saving that bird....my point is:If this bird is alive after eating 7 years of chocolate than you dont have to worry that much;)

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Not sure what chocolate does to them. Maybe it don't kill right away. Maybe it just does internal damage of some sort? I would still talk to the vet.

And Milo has that bird had a full work up? Blood test and all? Since you have had him?

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I'm so glad to hear that, Dicky, probably just a tiny bit now and then won't be too harmful but you should keep it away from him anyway. Josey has never touched the stuff because I never have it where she can get to it and now that I have practically sworn off it myself there is even less of a chance.:(

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The actual "thing" in chocolate that is bad for birds is the chemical called "Theobromine". Birds can't break this down and so it becomes toxic in their systems.


However I too have heard that birds have been fed chocolate chip cookies, candy bars, etc for years and have been fine, now whether this has any long the effects who knows, but I've heard of it before!

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