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Back seat/shoulder driving


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Back seat...erm...*shoulder* driving. HRH Inara has taken things into her own talons and yesterday trained me how to drive her about the house.


Yesterday, she was playing on her little play perch, turned to me, lifted a foot high, and said, "Step up." I obliged by holding out my hand, wherein she stepped up, then said, "up up" which means to go to my shoulder. She made her way to my shoulder, then said just, "up," and looked at me intently, then said it again insistently. So I stood up. Inara then said, "ready to go!" and leaned forward in the direction of the kitchen. So I walked to the kitchen and stopped. At this point, she looked over toward the counter area and said, "Coffee." then made this distinctive sound that she makes when she wants a drink of water from the faucet or a drink of juice. I walked with her over to the coffee area, she made the drink sound, so I turned on the filtered tap and she took a drink. She then faced the pantry, and said, "Get the cookie." Naturally her wish was my command. We stopped at the pantry, got out a little birdie cookie and Inara exclaimed, "Oh boy!"; she used her prerogative as Empress of the House, and when offered took a little bite, found it a bit too early in the day and promptly flung it to the floor.


Then she turned around on my shoulder facing backward and said, "go." We proceeded back to her little play perch in the living room and I set her back upon it.


Apparently HRH decided that this was a great new game, and immediately held one foot up high and said, "Step up." I again obliged, she went through the sequence of "up up" and "go," and this time leaned forward in the direction of the bedroom. We walked into the bedroom where Dezi was snoozing, Inara looked around for a bit, then executed the about turn upon my shoulder and again said, "go," whereupon we returned to her perch in the living room.


Immediately she lifted her little foot, said, "Step up," moved up to my shoulder, said, "up," I stood up and before she could order me "once around the park," (I was in the middle of a project) I promptly walked her over to her home, politely dropped her off with the suggestion that she enjoy a little beauty roost, which she did with an indignant fluff of the feathers and a disgruntled sounding, "quack."


All kidding aside, (as everyone here already knows), when we listen, watch, and learn to read our companions as they are listening, watching, and learning to read us, the bi-directional exchanges make for such rich moments.


We just finished a repeat comeback tour of the house again this morning, and HRH is now taking a little snooze. Cookies and coffee for all. Quack.


HRH's Humble Servant

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Loved this post. They do certainly learn quickly how to "Steer" us. Gotta love that body english they use to do so. Sometimes I don't respond fast enough because I'm doing something and the next thing I know Dayo leaning out so far if he tipped 1mm further he would be pointed straight down. :P

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